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SPOILER ALERT! The 'boys are handing out hot takes on the newest addition to the Star Wars universe: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker



I still love you guys, and I don't expect everyone to have my impeccable taste, but every argument just sounds like "why didn't they use my fanfiction instead?!?!?!" Is it perfect? No, of course not. Is any Star Wars movie perfect though? Big surprise: Star Wars is a mediocre movie franchise, and we like the old ones because we were young and impressionable. Now we're old and nitpicky and nothing pleases us. Not saying we shouldn't hold these movies to a higher standard, but be consistent. I love Star Wars, and I love this movie. At least as much as any Star Wars other than Empire and ANH. Solo is a much worse movie, imo, and that movie is still fine. Certainly not Worst Movie Ever. At least we can all agree one one thing: NO MORE FUCKING! p.s. it's a 53 on RT (86 audience) and a 6.9 on imdb. Saying the consensus is that it sucks is like saying that Trump has majority support. Eat that, Doughboys!

Jason Elrick

The movie was total dogshit

Jason Ciraolo

I always think it's funny when lifelong fans tear apart the Disney trilogy, while swearing by characters like Boba Fett who was some guy in a tin suit with barely 3 minutes of screen time. I had a lot of issues with some of the decisions made, but overall I liked the movie, just as I like all the Star Wars movies (except Episode 2), the problem is us fans love the lore created by the Star Wars universe more than the movies themselves (whether we admit it or not) and seeing these new additions to our precious universe can be off-putting.


American Monkey Stay Away From Me eee...


Boba Fett was introduced in ESB by Vader as one of his handpicked bounty hunters. You can tell he has vaders respect and ends up tracking the falcon and capturing Han. He has more character dev. In 3 min. then all of Disney SW characters have in 3 movies.

Jason Ciraolo

That isn't character development, that's giving a character something to do, I love Boba Fett too, but his following is due more to Star Wars lore than what he actually does in a movie. Last I checked Han Solo survived the Carbonite so he didn't really accomplish much, (which if something along those lines happened in this trilogy, would've been killed by the fans as "not believable" or "lazy writing") that's the point I was making.


Guys, I'm disappointed. We were so looking forward to your return to the mean streets of Vancouver - We live on Vancouver Island and are massive fans ive heard every episode 10+ times, so we bought front row meet and greet tickets, booked hotel rooms for 2 nights and bought non refundable Canucks tickets too. Only to have you change date and venue to the 22nd... Im out over $750 on the trip, and no more front row ticket its general admission. Honestly, jumping the shark aside Ive stayed on the Patreon to support you guys and this feels like a bait and switch, whether its a venue or management issue, this was my chance to see you guys live and I cant afford to rebook this trip. Cancelling my Patreon, sorry.

Nick Fiumetto

Ok so I think alot of your problems you guys have with the movie up top have to deal with how the movie didnt lay out explicitly how the force was used by the Sith and the Emperor in an effort to achieve immortality. Palpatine was the apprentice to the only Sith who could unlock the ability to never die. Just as the Jedi become one with the force and transcend when they are struck down (example Obi Wan) the Sith's secret is that when they are struck down in hate they can transfer themselves into other bodies, essentially physically living forever. So Palpatine (possibly Plaguis since he struck him down in hate while he slept) has been alive by transferring bodies and Snoke was literally Palpatine in a different body, puppetting in order to train an apprentice without risking being cut down due to the rule of two. Once he knew Kylo was really a true Sith he helped him get to the Sith planet and was hoping someone would strike him down again and he could get a new force sensitive body. However, he was ultimately defeated the same way as how he was deformed by a reversal of his OWN force lighting which killed him for good, since it was himself who stuck him down. I hope this helps

Nick Fiumetto

See transfer essence in wookipedia for reference. That being the movie was ....ehhh. Hope this didnt get unnecessarily nerdy and I loved hearing your guys thoughts. You guys are the best and totally help me get through my work days by diving through your back catalogues. Thanks again and may the dough be with you!

Mr. Tay Tay

All Stars Wars movies have that same "quippy" dialogue. They are always yelling at each other and name calling each other. Watching the originals as an adult, this is one of the things I found very annoying.


It's an enjoyable conclusion. Nostalgia is toxic.


“2020 got off to a bad start...” You weren’t wrong but oh that was just the beginning


This movie had an impossible job. Either move forward with the Last Jedi's unwanted ideas, or retcon them. They chose retcon. This trilogy felt like each movie was an argument that erupted in a boardroom, and then got transferred to celluloid.


Amazing how hard you’re both trying to enjoy modern Star Wars. It’s almost artistic in the way that it’s sad.