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The second half-portion of Mitch & Wiger's commentary track for Star Wars: The Force Awakens picks up with Han Solo taking Rey & Finn to the remote world of Takodana for a fateful meeting with Maz Kanata.

(We'll release the feature length commentary as one file later this week!)




“Max Kanata is a minion”


After listening to this I just can't help but agree with Mitch about Wiger pretending to like the sequels, maybe unconsciously, but he definetely disagreed with most of the choices in TFA and had different expectations about TLJ than what we finally got.


Hey 'boys, just finished the episode and, not only is it immensely listenable as a stand alone ep (I listened to both on earbuds at work) , but it's a really really good one. In fact, I've enjoyed the shit out of Star Wars month. It's obvious that the food aspect of the podcast is frustrating and draining you guys and I think it's starting to weigh down the normal episodes, but these episodes where you are free to riff and debate each other are really really entertaining and I think it gets closer to what makes this podcast so great.


I love TFA. It has it's problems, a few edits needed put back in, Finn screams too much, Finn relationship with Poe is a bit too close to have known each other for 10 minutes...but overall I just love it and it was one of my favorite experiences in a theater ever with my kids. That said, all the stuff Nick said he didn't care for is hilarious. He seemed more critical than Mitch.


This might be the first episode i don’t listen to fully, i listened to about 25 minutes of it. The maz kanata part was hiliarious. Now, I love Mitch and Nick so much, but Mitch just seems to hate TFA because ‘it’s stupid’. I hate the Force Awakens but i don’t nitpick the hell out of it. I understand it’s place in the new cannon. I have no control over what Disney/Lucasfilm decides to do with it. I love you, Mitch.


this was great, almost made me finally watch the movie. i would rather pay these dipshits $5 a month than spend any money renting force awakens


I mostly agree with Mitch on TFA and he has actually persuaded me with some of his arguments


lol at mitch saying "this sucks" after every single part, quite the argument he had


I actually synced it up. was listening while doing busy work at home, so I fucking went for it.


KOTOR took place about 4000 years before the current Star Wars saga. Maz Kanata is only 1/4 that old.


Haha laughed so much unbiased till the end haha


Re-watching this movie with Doughboys commentary was amazing!!!!