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My favourite episode so far! While I have my issues as a whole with the show, this episode was the most consistent in terms of fun and engagement. I actually didn't mind many of the changes in this episode. I loved seeing June again and her little conversation with the Avatar. It made sense to me why she would show up at the fire sage temple. All the blue spirit stuff played out pretty much like the cartoon and the fight scenes were super cool to watch. I love how they visually represented air bending as it must have been a challenge to figure out how to show that in live action. But my favourite parts of this episode, and of the show as a whole in other episodes, are the moments where the show decides to show us things that were only talked about in the cartoon. Zuko's backstory for instance is very prominent in this episode. His scene where he spoke up in a war meeting that lead to the scar on his face felt much more intense than in the cartoon. And his Agni Kai man. I know in the cartoon he didn't fight his father at all but this man... the burning of Zuko's face was so hard to watch and it felt so personal and horrible. I also loved the addition that Zuko's crew are the same people who he stood up for in the war meeting. My only issues with this episode would be Roku as I felt they really did that wise old man dirty; and Zhou just because I am not a huge fan of the way his character is portrayed. Really looking forward to the Northern Water Tribe next week!!


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