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Next week is the finale of Season 3! I can't believe it! But this week we had two more fun episodes for us to watch. Both of them were not the best the season had to offer but they were both very enjoyable!

Family Business was a really sweet and interesting Ferengi episode that followed Quark and Rom as they went to see their mother who had been charged with the horrible penalty of earning 3 bars of latinum (little do they know it was so much more). I really loved seeing both the Ferengi home world and the interactions that Quark, Rom, and their mother had with each other. They seem like such a progressive family as not only is Rom letting Nog become Starfleet, but their mother is making profits, talking to strangers, and wearing clothes. It was cool to see her go against the grain and try to be seen as an actual person and her conflict with Quark's inability to see past the law and to look at her as a person was striking. My favourite part of this whole ordeal was when Rom just let loose and started screaming at the both of them to just sit down and talk. Love where Rom's character is going and love seeing him stand up for himself and his family. This episode also had Sisko meet the woman Jake had set him up with in the last episode (yay I am glad they kept this)! I immediately liked this new character who's name I have somehow forgotten at the moment, and I hope that she sticks around because her chemistry with Sisko was very good. I also love that her brother plays baseball and how excited Sisko got because of this. I think he is more in love with her brother than her!

Shakaar was a Kira episode which I was hoping for and it was one that I believe may have some lasting impacts on the world of Bajor, as well as on some characters... namely Kai Winn. Boy do I hate that smug little evil face of hers. Even when I think about her I want to punch my thoughts out of my head. She again was horrible in this episode and was threatening for a civil war over a few farming tools. While she had the power of the government on her side, she became such an extremist and I felt like she was going a little nutty with power at times. But, I am so satisfied with how Kira and Shakaar handled it. While she is still the Kai, she will no longer run for head of government which is such a win. She should be called Kai Loser now. I also really enjoyed the Kira and Shakaar relationship. They felt like old friends and they worked together really well, especially in the combat situations where it seemed like they trusted each other completely. Shakaar as a character was also really great and I loved his rationality and kindness. I am excited to hopefully be seeing him run Bajor and go head to head with Winn on a few things. Finally, the subplot of this episode wasn't anything special. It was just O'Brien being good at darts then destroying his shoulder trying to pick up a drink. It was fun and cute and a nice distraction from the heavier type of episode as a whole.




Remember the episode "Duet" from season one? There, Gul Darhe'el/Aamin Marizza pointed out that Kira was a member of the Shakaar resistance cell. Shakaar was actually the leader of that group and Kira one of the members. Among other things, they liberated the Gallitep labor camp together. So, no wonder Shakaar and Kira feel like old friends - they were brothers in arms.


Originally, this was the arc planned for Li Nalas (from The Circle trilogy in season 2), but due to a lot of reasons they decided to kill him off. Later, they decided they DID want a character like that. and brought in the character of Shakaar from Kira's backstory.