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(UNCUT will be available for all Patrons but there also will be an edited version that'll go on Youtube!)

Recommended by Jonathan for me to watch and what a rollercoaster of a movie this was! I am not usually drawn to period pieces as my brain automatically assumes they will be boring but lemme tell you guys this movie was far from boring! It was such a dense and layered movie filled with insane performances, especially from Anthony Hopkins who delivers maybe one of his best ever??? The nuances that he had to preform were unbelievable and the complexity he portrayed across his face with the most minimal expressions was astonishing. His character alone felt more complex than many other characters I have seen in most movies! I would love to watch the movie again because I was a little bewildered at the end. I have my thoughts but I was definitely a little tired watching this one close to midnight and thinking about it maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Anyways, not only did Anthony Hopkins's performance captivate me, but the situation he was in was also really interesting. His character, Mr. Stevens, was a butler who served a British Lord who supported the German Nazi party. Whether he willingly supported them or was manipulated through his kindness in doing so was a little more up in the air but his allegiance was fairly clear. Because of this, the movie constantly asks Mr. Stevens big questions surrounding work and life and made me question Mr. Stevens as a person. I do think he is a good man, but a very conflicted one. He was the type of person who needed to be smashed open like a broken wine bottle in order for his emotions to finally flow. The cinematography and camera work was all top notch as well and while fairly simple, allowed for us to see Anthony Hopkins acting his chops off. Definitely check this one out if you have the time! It is one that flew under my radar but it is honestly a pretty amazing movie!!


Al Nazemian

I love this movie. I also recommend Howards End (1992), produced by the same production team and starring Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson and Helena Bonham-Carter. Emma Thompson won Best Actress for this movie. Howards End’s success led to the recasting of Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson 1 year later in The Remains of the Day. Great review, Ollie!


I was kind of nervous about picking this one. I knew you weren’t the biggest fan of period dramas and I honestly wasn’t sure if my love for this movie was due to when it came out or the good mood I was in when watching it for the first time, which unlike all my other picks was just a few years ago. This movie flew under my radar too and I had put it on the first time almost as something in the background and ended up being captivated by it. Rewatching it with you will be my 3rd complete watch through and I’m sure I’ll pick up even more than the first two. I’m glad you liked it and that there are some other patrons interested in it as well.