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Well well well DS9 is back at it again with some phenomenal episodes. This time, instead of being just great episodes, Life Support also had the audacity to be a tear inducing time. So basically, and major spoilers just in case you haven't seen DS9... Bareil is dead. Yeah I mean, I have no words his death was handled so well and there was a lot of snot and water coming out of my nose and eyes. I actually predicted he was going to die about 10 minutes into the episode but it was one of those predictions where you think it's not going to happen but you say it anyways. It really took me by surprise because not only was he a regular occurring character, but his relationship with Kira still felt so new and fresh. It makes me nervous now, if DS9 is willing to kill characters such as Bareil, who else may end up dying? Ok besides this ending which I still can't think about without getting watery-eyed, the episode was so good. The tension between Winn and Bashir especially made the episode so great. They had one conversation in a meeting room where Bashir confronts Winn on her sneaky little plan and it was the most satisfying thing ever. I am interested to see what the ramifications are from that conversation though as both Winn and Bashir said they wouldn't forget what was being said. Also Winn. Wow I can't believe I was actually starting to respect her at the start of this episode. I actually believed she had started to change the was she would talk about Bareil but no, good old Winn sure knows how to be detestable and sure enough by the end of the episode I wanted to reach into the screen and punch her snarky little face out of the airlock. Jake and Nog had a really nice subplot as well as they talk about their differences (especially relating to girls) and Jake for some reason is the rizz master.

Heart of Stone was also a banger of an episode and while it never made me tearbend like Life Support, it was a pretty big episode for Odo as a character. Just like I predicted in Fascination (at least I think I did), Odo loves Kira. That whole scene where he is confessing why he wants to stay with her as she is trapped in a growing crystal about to die was so wholesome and emotional. I started laughing not to make fun of Odo but because the reveal was just so good. Everything with Kira and Odo was really amazing and I loved the bonding that they had while she was trapped... oh wait... that wasn't Kira! A FOUNDER makes an appearance (does this leader changeling lady have a name?) as she had disguised herself as Kira in order to get information on why Odo decided to stay with the solids. No matter if Kira was fake, hearing Odo talk about his name and how much he has grown to care for the crew of DS9 was so heartwarming as Odo never talks about his feelings. What are the founders planning though... I can't wait to find out! This episode was also another Nog episode and I am so glad it was. I love Nog and this episode just proved why I love him so much. He is so hardworking and seeing him want to be a Starfleet officer was so cool. Watching Nog prove himself to Sisko was very rewarding and Sisko's final yes made me pump my arms in the air. Finally, Rom standing up to Quark and letting Nog go to Starfleet was a major move and a nice step in the character progression ladder.


Be Mindful

You can tell the character developments of various people are starting to pick up pace now and this bodes well for your enthusiasm. Like people said, Season 4 is when it really starts to pump high tier episodes with lots of twists and turns. Also, as you mentioned if 'big' characters can die then you dont know what you can expect. At the same token, the little guy (Nog) is also not someone to sleep on. RIP Aron Eisenberg

Graham Pilato

I don't think you commented in your Fascination video on Odo's feelings for Kira as Lwaxana Troi suggested. I wondered about that. But oho! Here 'tis. Wham.