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SEASON 3 IS HERE!! Wow! I can't believe I am already on Season 3. It's felt like such a fast journey but thankfully, there are like 4 more seasons left so I am not even halfway done. This was a really great opening two parter to the season and provided me with a lot of questions and answers to the finale of Season 2.

"The Search Part 1" started off on a very serious note with the Federation allowing Sisko to take the Defiant, a ship made for war with a cloaking device, into the Gamma quadrant in order to find the founders of the Dominion. It felt really cool to see everyone on board the ship and working on the bridge! It gave me TNG and TOS nostalgia in that regard and I really loved it. The episode played with tension so well and whenever the Jem'Hadar appeared I was so afraid. Of course, the ending of the episode and cliffhanger into Part 2 was really special. The attack on the Defiant and the boarding by the Jem'Hadar was incredible to watch and so intense. Sisko and Odo were really throwing punches left and right while poor Bashir got overwhelmed pretty quickly. On a side note, why do the Jem'Hadar use their guns as clubs? Do they not know that they actually shoot??? Odo's quest to the Omarian Nebula was also very interesting and ending on a shot of more Changelings was really cool!!!! Didn't expect that one!

"The Search Part 2" provided a lot of answers to my questions about the Dominion as well as brought up new ones for me to ask. I found, for the most part, the DS9 plot a little more enticing than Odo's however, I can not lie and say that I didn't think it was so cute watching Odo try to integrate into a place that feels like his home. Sisko was absolutely on fire this episode and the way he was trying to stop the Dominion/Federation peace treaty was thrilling to watch. The man's so commanding when he speaks and I could just listen to him all day. You may be aware of this, but there are two major twists in this episode and I am proud to say that I actually guessed on the them very early on. I won't spoil which one though... that's a surprise. The ending was also really cool and we got to see the FOUNDERS!!!! I didn't think we would be seeing them so early into the season to be honest. While I didn't find them that intimidating, I am excited to see how they come into play in the future. My biggest question though, is if the Dominion will decide that they want a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant. Odo tried to talk them out of it a bit but I don't know if they took it to heart...

I hope the Dominion do try to invade. That would make for some great TV.


Tim b

Poor Odo, life's going to get a lot more complicated for him from now on.

Julian San

Ok, the Jem Hadar using their guns as clubs is something I can’t unsee now 😂 It reminds me of some of how my friend and I used to joke about how starfleet combat always consists of clasped hands swinging away.