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IT'S SEASON 2 FINALE TIME BABY!!!! I can't believe I am already at the season 2 finale but man, was the wait worth it.

First though, Tribunal. Another fantastic O'Brien suffers episode! Poor guy can never catch a break but I mean, that's ok with me as his suffering makes for great content (sorry O'Brien). This episode dealt with the Cardassian judicial system and its trial proceedings. I really liked how in an earlier Maquis episode, Dukat discussed the formality of trails on Cardassia with Sisko and now, just a few episodes later, we get to see that in action. Watching O'Brien be put on trail for a crime he did not commit was really interesting and seeing his Cardassian lawyer guy beg for him to confess was both frustrating and also funny. Odo and Keiko were the real MVP's of the episode and I loved that they never doubted O'Brien's innocence. O'Brien himself was also amazing and had an amazing little monologue to Odo about his love and dedication to the Federation. Also, I really enjoyed that we are getting more Maquis and DMZ content as I really enjoy those plot points and its a conflict that feels far from over.

NOW THE FINALE  WITH JEM'HADAR AND WHAT CAN I SAY BUT THE DOMINION!!!! The Dominion had finally made it's first appearance through its soldiers (and special soldiers at that I think) the Jem'Hadar. Man were those guys scary and knowledgeable at the same time. Whenever someone from the Jem'Hadar spoke, I had to hold my breath in anticipation. When that guy beams onto DS9 and just casually walks through the containment field while discussing obliteration of Bajoran immigrants in the Gamma Quadrant I had chills. What a powerful way to show the Dominion. Speaking of powerful, a freaking galaxy class ship got blown up by the Dominion at the end of the most EPIC space battle in the show so far. By the time the episode was over and Sisko had finished his speech about the next battle happening at DS9, I was doing jumping jacks in my room because I was too excited and I needed to move. Besides the Dominion though, this was a great Quark and Sisko episode that really helped Sisko appreciate Quark a little bit more. Also, Jake and Nog were a fantastic and humorous duo that really helped to lighten up the episode when things were getting heavy.

What could even be in store for me in season 3?? How can things get more exciting than this? I can't wait to find out!!


Graham Pilato

Well, I am very glad to see the build up was worth it. But it does seem like a climax to me too of an era here. This is the end of Peter Allan Fields as a lead writer for the show. I always note with pains the change that comes in season three to the quality of character development-- with extreme exceptions for two or three favorite characters. This new set of writers coming after this are pretty good still though. And while season three has even higher highs for me than even the excellent season two, the average quality is a good bit lower. If you ask me, season two is pretty much the best or second best season of the show, vying with a later one (I won't say which). And this excellent, epic season finale is one of the best, on par with the very best of Trek.


I just had to sub, I'm so looking forward to watching The Jem'Hadar uncut with you. I don't know why, but that episode stirred up quite a lot of feelings back when I first saw it. And it cements DS9 as being the show who was willing to take risks, not play it safe story wise and maybe upset some network execs for its creative choices and more serialized storytelling. It may not have been fully appreciated in it's own time but DS9 aged like the finest of wines. I hope (but also doubt) there will be a 4k remaster, my Star Trek DVD/BluRay collection needs expanding