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Both these episodes were EPIC and that could be the end of my review right there.

The Maquis Part 2 was such a stunning end to this really good two parter. Sisko was absolutely on fire in this episode and it made me fall in love with his character all over again. Not like I didn't love Sisko before, it just felt like Sisko in this episode was on another level compared to every other version of him in the past. My favourite parts were definitely when Dukat and Sisko were interacting. They had so many little glances and looks at each other is was such a fun friendship that I never expected... until the ending happened and the friendship may be ruined. The space battle at the end was INSANE and had me on the edge of my seat. I especially loved how conflicted Sisko was while battling Cal in this moment. How begs Cal to leave the Maquis but to no avail was very emotional and the final shot of Sisko talking to Kira about how the war has just been delayed left me with shivers.

The Wire was an episode that so many people have been excited for me to watch. I hated it... joking I LOVED IT WOW! It was of course a Garak and Bashir episode meaning it was already top tier from the beginning because those two together are gold. We got to learn about Garak's backstory a little more in this episode, well at least a few different versions all containing some truth, and the monologue he angrily gave to Bashir in his room was absolutely hypnotizing. Like seriously, the way that monologue was filmed with an extreme long take with frantic and pacing camera work was such a good choice and made for such a visceral scene of outbursting emotion from a usually calm and collected character. Bashir in this episode was the best he has ever been as well and watching him tend to Garak even after Garak tried to fight him was nothing short of noble. Bashir would be the best friend to have wouldn't he. Anyways, I hope this episode is the start of a much greater friendship between these two!


Sue the Scottish Geek

I can't wait to see your reaction to these episodes. Andy Robinson who plays Garak is an incredible actor. I don't know if you've made the connection yet but he played the Scorpio Killer in Dirty Harry!

Graham Pilato

The Wire is really tremendous. Possibly the peak of the amazing worldbuilding of the first two seasons. Soooo much will be built on what's here. And it's just stunning acting all the way through. Garak and Bashir are such stars here, with an incredible support by Tain. Oh, you have so much excellent DS9 ahead of you. Armin Shimerman, who plays Quark, has often said this is his favorite episode. He may not star in it, but when the script came out he was just blown away by its depths and the suggestion of what a great longrunning show this would carry on to be.

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

I agree the world building is phenomenal and I forgot to mention Tain in my review but seeing him even for a second was both scary and entertaining. Definitely one of the best episodes so far from both seasons!