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Spock should slap that wife lady


UNCUT STAR TREK TOS Amok Time + Mirror Mirror

Hello Everybody! Spock fought Kirk TWICE PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/



There is an episode in season 1 The Enemy Within where you get an insane “evil twin” of Kirk


Alexander Courage only scored the two pilot episodes and the first two episodes, plus the opening credits (and, interestingly, the "whoosh" sound as the Enterprise warps past the camera in the credits). He got hired for a movie after that and was unavailable. Later, he discovered that Gene Roddenberry wrote (totally unnecessary and never used) lyrics for the opening music, which meant that legally, Courage would have to split his royalties for that music. This caused a break between the two and he refused to work on the show any more. He returned for two episodes in season 3 (one, The Enterprise Incident, is on your list) as a favor to Bob Justman, one of the other producers.