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I was so stressed that he was gonna die the whole time



Hello Everybody! Well I was definitely stressed watching this! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/ LETTERBOXD: https://letterboxd.com/Olllllllllllie/


Jimmie V

I loved this movie... now you just gotta hit Wayne's World 2 which is my all time favorite Mike Meyers film.


Regarding the rewatch factor - you said you don't know if this movie has much rewatch factor once you know the outcome. However you also said some things didn't make sense. In my opinion, this movie has a VERY high rewatch factor because all of Harriet's behaviour (which you said in your review some of it didn't make sense) DOES make sense when you rewatch knowing who the killer is. Harriet doesn't know that Rose is the killer until the very end of the movie, she finds out at the same time as Charlie and the audience. All of her tense strange behaviour in the last part of the movie is because the last 3 men she loved disappeared after the wedding, and she never found out what happened to them, so she is super worried Charlie is going to disappear too - that's why she follows him to the bathroom etc. It's also why she is reluctant to get married in the first place ,and lots of other things. Actress Nancy Travis did a superb job playing an entire movie reacting to everything in a way that could have 2 meanings. A very difficult job. The first time you watch she seems so suspicious in the things she says and does. The 2nd time you watch, you think "Ahhh, THAT'S why she did that, this makes sense now."