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Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you all on Patreon Exclusives. As you may be aware, usually a poll turns up on Wednesday and you all vote on a movie for me to watch. Unfortunately this July I will be unable to provide you with any as I have a really heavy course load at school, I have visitors from England over which I need to keep company, and 3 videos a week already seems like a challenge and so making 4 at the moment feels almost impossible. 

I'm super sorry about this inconvenience but to make it up to you (especially people paying at the lowest tier), The Early Access version of this Friday and one other Friday's video in July will be released to everyone on Patreon.

I know this isn't the same as an Exclusive but the only way for me to do them at the moment would be to cut back on normal videos which would probably end up with less content delivered to you guys. I hope this is ok and again I am really sorry. August should be better as my english friends leave which hopefully opens up a lot of time for me to watch movies. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

-Ollie :)


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