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As you all are probably aware, I'm taking some time off creating videos in the summer and will not be uploading very much over the summer months. I will be freezing all payments in July and August because of this. As well, any summer video I release will be accessible to any tier which hopefully can make up for the lack of content :)

I know I have already said this in an earlier update but I just wanted to send another one just in case anyone missed it or too just clarify what was happening if anyone was confused. 

Thank you to everyone on here supporting me. Seeing your comments on posts and responding to DM's on here really make my day and I just wanted to thank each one of you for not only the happiness you brought me, but for the amazing insight, eagerness, and understanding of the films and shows I watch that makes me fall in love with the media even more. 

I'm looking forward to making more content come September and I hope those videos will be worth the wait!!

Have a great summer everyone and stay safe please! :)



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