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The third instalment of the Matrix franchise and the original ending to the saga has come and I can see that it has a 34% on Rotten Tomatoes and for that I have to say... why? The movie may not be perfect. It may be fairly tedious in in its first hour and then rushed in its second with character moments that I just don't care about. It may be the weakest of the three and have an ending that I did not understand but even still.. do people hate fun?? This movie was entertaining as beans and the final hour especially was non-stop epic-ness at every turn. The music in this film was dialled to eleven and listening to the insane opera go ham in my ears kept giving me chills with just how awesome it was. The visuals as well were outstanding. For a movie that was made 21 years ago all the visuals pretty much hold up and look stunning. This is blockbuster filmmaking at its finest at times. Big, loud, dumb, and fun. The Wachowski's really understand how to frame and film action and there are some really cool shots in here. From the incredible wides of Zion as it slowly falls to ruin to the intense and fluid movement of the camera as it follows a ship racing down a maintenance tunnel, every single action sequence is nuts to butts intense and the camera work just pulls you right in. I was thinking during this film that the Wachowski's should direct a super hero film for DC because their directorial talents would bring some of the coolest actions to a superhero film in my opinion. I was also thinking they should direct a Star Wars film but that was just wishful thinking. But imagine the lightsaber fights they could pull off with their knowledge of filming Kung-Fu like action. While there is so much that could have been better in The Matrix Revolutions, there is so much that it did right as well. I think if you haven't seen this since it came out in theatres many years ago, give both this and the second one a chance as they are still insanely fun action films. I will be watching the 4th... oh boy I have heard things about that one.


James Ventola

People don't hate fun, they do hate bad story telling 🤷‍♂️.

Tim b

You remember after the first Dune (not the Lynch movie, from the current series) many said that we won't really be able to judge it until the second part is out? And then the second one was awesome, so everything is good? Imagine that, but the second one is a major let-down. It drags the whole series down. That's why people hate it. Not because it's a bad movie. But because it's the movie that ruined what could have been an amazing trilogy with a weak middle.