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Bitch, you don't have a future.

So many insanely good lines in this movie. Like seriously some of the best pre fight kill lines I have ever heard. Uma Thurman is the baddest and most coolest person on the entire planet and The Bride is one of the most epic action heroines of all time. Kill Bill Volume 2 is such a great sequel to Volume 1 but at the same time, it feels like both movies need to be viewed together as one long 4 hour thrill ride for full enjoyment. Even the fact that the ending credits had the names of characters not in this film speaks to this. Would love to watch them back to back or if there is a version with both films combines that is even better. The music, action, acting, directing, and writing were all on point this film. Where Kill Bill Volume 1 felt much more cinematic action extravaganza, Volume 2 felt much more personal and intimate. There were no 1 vs 1 million fights like in the first. Instead, the movie has many more 1v1 fights that are set up to be (mostly) personal to The Bride. Even comparing the random semi fight against her would be assassin to any of the fights in the first is interesting. All of the fights in the first were about her getting revenge on everyone for herself. It is a personal vendetta for revenge. But this fight with the assassin revolves around her finding out that she is pregnant. Because of her protective motherly instincts, the fight is embedded with much more emotion and feeling than any of the others from the first. We as an audience also feel this, even when The Bride does not due to her not knowing her daughter is alive, because we know she is. Loved the fight between Elle and The Bride in the trailer. It was so much fun and the ENDING of it was insane. The sound design, especially in that coffin scene was crazy good and made me feel very uncomfortably claustrophobic. The ending as well was the PERFECT ending to the film and Bill's demise was incredibly well done.


Andrew Roach

I may have said this before and forgot but these are not two movies but literally one movie and because it was running so long and QT rightly so did not want to cut out much the decision was made by him and/or the studio to simply split the movie in two.

Julian San

I liked volume 1 more than volume 2. Growing up in the 80s and watching a lot of Kung Fu movies, I became a fan of Gordon Liu and he got to play a much larger role in volume 2 than he did in volume 1 and I loved that.