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High School DxD Ep. 5 Reaction [FULL]

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Freed does not in fact rep angels, he is a heretic priest hence why he was forced to work alongside fallen angels as ones who wish to serve god but do so in, for lack of a better term, a perverse manner. While his goal is likely just demon hunting, in general the fallen angels goal is to get back on gods good side and become angels again, this though is impossible even if they didn't use such ungodly means to do so for reasons explained later.


I like that you noticed that Issei's VA put some good emotions into the lines. Like overall I think someone can like or hate the fanserivce. But overall Highschool DxD has very high quality. For 2012 and the type of Anime it is, the Animation looks really good, the VA do a really good job, the OST is very good aswell etc. Which is why there are many people that like Highschool DxD + the amazing Fanservice xD Joe "why isn't he covering her breast?" "She is not covering her breast, does she not care?" Me "I think covering the breast is currently the least of their problems." xD But yeah, we all know it... it's for the fanservice. Just so clear it up, it wasn't every 1 seconds that he powers up, but every 10seconds. So that it quite a long time and we know that Issei isn't really strong as of right now. So he would have to wait a long time to get a strong attack out. 1 Second would be REALLY OP But with this Episode we found out why Issei is a Pawn. Because Rias had to use all of her 8 Pawns to make Issei a Demon. Since you need more Pieces to make a contract with a Huamn that has lots of Potential, which Issei does based on his Sacred Gear. To give a bit more detail which the Anime will never give you. Queen is worth 9 Pawns, Rook is worth 5, Bishop and Kight is worth 2. And Rias had 8 Pawn, 1 Bishop, 1 Rook and 1 Knight.