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This arc is interesting!



Oda really is a genius 😂. Also we haven’t seen a fish-fish fruit so far


18:50 - Smoker is 36(after time skip), Vergo is 41 29:40 - if you remember, Bon Clay didn’t become a friend until Crocodile was defeated though 🤔 35:53 - I don’t think it has anything to do with “being smart” I don’t think there was anything to grab onto on the walls 😅


No, generally speaking Ryu fly with MAGIC, so wings are by definition irrelevant, since they essentially fly via telekinesis in a sense (I think it might have something to do w/ the myth about Koi becoming Ryu when they manage to swim up a waterfall finally, at least that's my assumption from what I know). After all besides the visual differences, the other main differences between Ryu & Dragons are the former are more giga brain while the latter are meatheads in a sense, and the former have the ability to use magic & control weather (this is generally why Ryu are often paired w/ a lightning theme in heraldry & other types of visual design stuff)

Elite cobra

11:25 we only knew before this that vegapunk learned how to feed objects devil fruits like feeding the cannon a dog dog fruit in alabasta


What Monet does is obviously bad, but man I love her design and power.

Master Oogway

yeah I never got the whole him keep saying we say luffy is not smart enough.


Don’t get me wrong, but I do understand why he says that. There’s been a lot of comments, especially in the early episodes he watched where people said “Luffy’s just stupid”. I don’t agree with the comments, but I understand why Joe says it 😜