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i feel for Futoshi


Darling in the Franxx Ep. 11 Reaction [FULL]

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Hmm so they had the gayboi & gay girls innit characters pair up then? At least the vibe I'm getting this episode. But no wonder they had some of the shittiest scores (discounting MC in E1, since he's still a teen digit & apparently did work in the past, until E1 it suddenly didn't (we know it's to get the actual main bitch to partner up w/ him for plot reasons ofc), so it's not the same as some weakboi who had to take the vaxxeem w/ 15% survival rate just to get barely to the baseline to begin with), if neither of em are interested in the other. I assume Franxx CAN be piloted based on some type of genetics compatibility & personality compatibility mix, so they are compatible enough to, lets call this "I think of you as a friend" type of level?


I mean, they allowed Mitsuru to pilot Strelizia because they needed to send someone out to save the others. And there was only 02 and either Hiro or Mitsuru. But Hiro at that time was not allowed to Pilot a Franxx. So that only leaves Mitsuru as viable Pilot. And as we know, normally anyone who Pilots Streliza dies after 3 missions anyways. With Hiro being the exception. So we basically know that the Adults don't really care. If some Boy dies because he was Piloting Strelizia it doesn't matter to them. But without sending Mitsuru out the others would've died 100%. So risking 1 boy when it could save the other 3 Franxx wouldn't be a issue, since 02 will most likely survive on her own anyways. But man this Episode was brutal, they really wanted to rub it in. with Futoshi saying that they will be partners forever and Kokoro promising it, just for to be like "nah" minutes later. There were many that hated Kokoro after this episode. But there are also many that didn't liked Futoshi, because they think he was creepy since he was somewhat obsessed with Kokoro.