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100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You Ep. 5 Reaction [FULL]

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Jared Williams

This show is the peak of peak and I agree with narrator-san swimsuit episode let’s freaking go


This episode improved my impression of the show considerable, first two episodes I was a bit underwhelmed due to taking the hype too seriously. Episode 3 rubbed me the wrong way. Episode 4 I started to see the appeal and get some promises fulfilled the source readers told me regarding the dynamics between the girls. This episode convinced me this show could do the slower more "drama" focused episodes well. (Which I still think episode 3 did poorly.) Basically this episode is a classic Carpe Diem character arc, which a lot of writers/artists are very fond of doing and has been done many times before. (To the point where a lot of them I think aren't very good.) I think this episode does a good job at it, despite how on the nose Mr. Robot is about the set up of the theme. Mostly in that it shows how she ironically doesn't (and can't) follow her own logic. The Whole concept of her Utilitarian value system that only stuff that is beneficial to you, has a built in value judgement of why exactly is studying "valuable." All Utilitarian values at some point are underpinned but subjective gut filling axioms on what exactly you should or shouldn't be minmaxing. For the record most practical applications of Pi you need like 8 digits tops, So the fact she memorized that much of Pi is ironically very inefficient. I like she deep down likes a lot of the "elegance" of Efficiency to the point its about an aesthetic and not about any pragmatic efficiency. (Ergo Math is Beautiful.) I mean how else do you explain that letter in the OP? I also like how the issue was resolved, unlike Shizuku with episode 3 who I felt the core issue she had wasn't dealt with but rather enabled, Nano was forced to come head to head with her own unhealthy mindset, and Rentarou used a good combination of tact, insight, but also a bit of pressure to incentivize her to do so. What's even better is they did it without saying there is anything inherently wrong with Nano's personality or even her desire for efficiency itself, just that she used it in favor of bad habits, and that very same drive for "efficiency" can be a strength. (The Most obvious being her being quick to take that kiss once she made up her mind but more subtly when she was copium Pi reciting when she was in love, she at least recognized that something had to give and was willing to tackle the problem head on, even if her solution to it was still off.) I wish Shizuku was handled in a similar way where she can still be "her" but also acknowledge her talking with her phone is not her identity. (But if we did that we would lose her "gimmick" as part of her gag.) I guess to play devil's advocate Nano had more the temperament to be pushed in that direction and she is vocal enough that Rentarou could discern the problem and came up with a solution, while Shizuku given how she isn't as blunt and straight forward and her issue is less ideological its a bit harder to fix, but I just think a line or two in episode 3 was all I need changed for it to work. On another Note, this is the first time I was actually impressed with Rentarou's abilities as a character that didn't feel too much like a meme or forced via plot convenience. His solution with dealing for Nano was rather intelligent but also forthright. On a sidenote, so far I'm of the opinion the story would have been better off if we didn't have the "soulmates will die" plot point. I kinda feel it distracts from the core of why he's collecting his Harem, and I feel it over explains to "justify" the trope of him building a Harem and distracts that he truly loves his soulmates vs the more pragmatic, "They will literally die is he doesn't go full Poly" when I don't think that incentive is needed. I already sign a contract with the show that I just roll with it being a Harem and suspend that disbelief, trying to in universe justify it kinda just draws attention to how unrealistic it is. It's like how the prequels in Star Wars tried to give an explanation to "The Force" when it didn't add really add anything and for many people took something away from the magic. Nano with a strap between her breasts makes me happy, that's one of my fetishes. On a sidenote even without the good arc this episode, Nano would just on a superficial archetype level be my favorite girl so far, I like her cool beauty and her more elegant sexy as opposed to the other girls. I feel I could rely on that woman. Karane has a good head on her shoulders but she can be a bit much. Hakari at times her scheming nature can rub me the wrong way and feels a bit two faced, Shizuku is cute but I feel I would be mostly supporting her as opposed to her pulling her weight with her partner. Nano also has Gap Moe, and while Hakari is indeed thicc and busty, I like Nano's long legs and model like proportions. Also next week swimsuit episode, the Narrator is very honest with its target audience. Quite refreshing, like Yoko Taro who doesn't need a copium reason to give why 2B's ass is out while Hideo Koijima has to make rationalizations on why Quiet where's a Bikini Top in a very Japanese manner.


Someone took 5 extra doses of Adderall today

Chris Cheung

Unless I missing something here, why does this episode feel like its less comedy and more wholesome romance?


Holy... and here I thought I was over the top with my own wall of texts. Gotta respect that passion, though... plus proper use of punctuation, grammar, and capitalization.


Respect for having that many thoughts about the episode. I never really give myself time to analyze what I've seen but your comments do a better job than I ever could have 😅


You don't have to be an ass, you can just ignore it and not read it.


You guys know that Vince McMan gif of him falling over on his chair in ecstasy? That finger scene had ne legit acting like that 😮😯😲😃😆😩😫💥