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Ivan and Level 5.5...



Hormones is when two words sound the same like "There" and "Their" right?

Richie Roberts

I can't wait for the next episode. We're about to enter the crazy part of Impel Down.


Yes that was a joke :) Also i believe that homonyn is when it's written the same and homophone(that's the one i was going for, it sounds more like hormone 😀) is when they sound the same. Could be wrong though, English is 2nd language.

Master Oogway

it's never explained how ivan does it so this is not a spoiler but I am pretty sure it is haki right edit: the winnk

Curtis Murphy

Oh stop it with the "people are very sensitive" bullshit. You sound like those bad comedians who say offensive bigoted shit and cover by saying "people just can't take a joke these days"