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Date a Live S4 Ep. 11-12 Reaction [FULL]

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I mean there's a reason Reine's name has 0 in it, just like all the other Spirits + Shido etc are numbered w/ 1 of their kanji being a number at different locations


creepy. finale was so good joe grew his hair back. also stop the cap joe you watch like 40% of anime that end in a harem LOL you crack me up

Anthony Nguyen

Hello Joe, 07:10 "What happened to the marriage place?" The marriage place during the Star Festival (Tanabata) was during his second date with Kurumi. Shidou recreated the first date, on the day he had to date Kurumi, Tohka, and Origami all in the same day. 47:38 "I'm fine with harems, if it's mostly comedy, but this one's trope filled." The way you're phrasing things makes it sounds like you're making a criticism of the show. Forgetting harems, most anime in general shows makes wide use of tropes to tell a story using familiar elements that viewers will recognize and understand. Date A Live is no different in this regard. I did notice you didn't laugh very often, did you not vibe with the comedy in Date A Live? I personally generally found the show to be pretty funny, but I don't think it's overly reliant on comedy. While there's a lot of humor and charm to be had with the way each of the dates with the girls plays out, the show is really more of a mystery. The major intrigue from the introduction of each Spirit is "What happened to them in their lives that made them the way they are?" Tohka (Codename: Princess) is a princess in a castle, and doesn't know anything about the world. Yoshino (Codename: Hermit) is a recluse who's only friend is her puppet Yoshinon. Kurumi (Codename: Nightmare) is a murderer who consumes the lives [time] from thousands of humans. Kotori (Codename: Ifrit) is a danger by existing due to being unable to control her violent spirit powers. Yuzuru and Kaguya (Codename: Berserk) caused destruction and devestation everywhere they went due to their clashes with each other because they want the other to live. Miku (Codename: Diva) like her name suggests, became a star and let her power go to her head, but this is only a result of her being propositioned by studio executives and being abandoned by her fans in her original life, leading her to hate men. Natsumi (Codename: Witch) had a major self-esteem complex about her entire being, leading her to believe she had no worth until hearing everyone's true feelings about her. Origami (Codename: Angel) became the way she is in the whole show due to her parent's deaths of course. Nia (Codename: Sister) developed a complex directly due to the nature of her powers to view into people's hearts. Mukuro (Codename: Zodica) lost her original parents before we ever met her, and was taken in by a family as an orphan. However, she was terribly afraid that she wasn't a true family member, leading her to absolute terror and paranoia which led to her own isolation. Of course, that's only covering the mystery surrounding each girl. I think you had a good grasp on the mysteries of the show itself - what is happening behind the scenes with Isacc, Elliot, Ellen, Phantom, etc, etc,. This part of the material is the most 'mecha anime' emphasis of the show, which is why it was in the mecha category to begin with. Either way, there's a decrease in the comedy and dating altogether in the next 3 novels we expect to see covered in Season 5. The "fun and games" is over, and everything that the show has been building up to will come to a head.Looking forward to seeing your next reactions. - Anthony C. Nguyen


The first time I watched I did not piece it together. Rewatching with the reactions though there's little details in all of the seasons that make it obvious. Season 5 should be dope.


This show is pretty entertaining in my opinion

vape see

They revealed that she is the first spirit in the season one and in episode 1