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Great writing is making this one of my favorite new anime this season.


Undead Murder Farce Ep. 3 Reaction [FULL]

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From what I've seen so far, I think that In/Spectre is more scenario-based where the focus of the show is more inclined towards showing the morals of perpetrators and their motives, while the deduction process is simplified (because of the production shift from longer stories to shorter stories); on the other hand, Undead Murder Farce is more practice-based as the deduction process is depicted thoroughly with the protagonists' discoveries. The anime direction for Undead Murder Farce is rather dynamic and rendering the suspend atmosphere for the audience during expositions. I remembered it was mentioned that the mother was a human and then she got turned into a vampire. The father already felt unease when he about to pick up the silver stake without touching the stake, but it wasn't mentioned how the father got the silver stake transported from the old hunter to his residence yet. In addition, since Sherlock Holmes, from a fictional detective series, is a in-universe character for this show, "M" from episode 1 could also be a character who derived from a fictional series as well.🤔


Here is my theory: Basically the crux of the crime if a vampire needed to commit the crime in order to break the lock to the storeroom and when they put it back it appears the stake was covered in vampiric blood of the murdered (Said blood in the first episode of the arc was boiling) yet none of the vampire family has a wound, implying a human had to actually USE the stake. My theory is it was a collaborative crime between a human staff member and a member of the Family, It would appear obvious to be the Older Brother and the Butler, although the Butler could just use the Key. (Although you could argue he had the lock broken to remove suspicion from him.) However I think its actually the Daughter and the Maid. And unlike everyone who is just assuming it her because of the classic "she's too innocent trope" I have a timeline. First its mentioned by the Maid ever since working for the house she has learned how to drain and quarter blood from flesh (To feed the Family.) Second the Sister was last scene by the Brother dumping her off to the Maid, after that the only confirmation we get the two were together the whole time is based off the fact everyone could hear the daughter "singing." However this can be simply a convinent alibi by the two culprits. Basically when the brother leaves the girl breaks the lock and has the Maid drain some of her blood to use later with a tool that is NOT THE STAKE, since this would is not from the stake it would heal instantly removing the evidence, the girl than goes to the washroom to clean the blood and start "singing" meanwhile the Maid uses the stake to murder the Mother, adds the Daughters Blood she drained onto the stake to leave "false evidence" and puts it in the storeroom, she then goes upstairs to be around them singing, her brief absense when questions can be chalked up to the bathroom. It can't be the Mother's Blood reacting because once vampires die their body turns normal and doesn't react to the stake as a Holy Weapon, so we have the evidence that a vampire used the stake on one hand, but none of the vampires hands are injured with a slow healing injury on the other. This is to cast doubt on the Older Brother and Butler who are the only other vampire/human duo in the mansion at the time who had the opportunity to commit the crime and don't have an alibi. As for a motive, this part is speculation, but remember how Ringo in episode 1 stated when she became immortal she effectively stopped aging at 14? What if the Biological Age of Your Body when you become a vampire is the age you are "stuck" at. With that in mind its possible the Daughter is a direct daughter of the Mother when they were both human but upon marrying into the family both were turned into vampires at their current age, this would leave the daughter stuck as a little girl which she could have resentment for, especially since the mother made the choice to give up both their humanity, in addition her other brothers might be her step siblings and she sees them as the same as her Father who did this to her. As for the Maid she could have been coerced through fear or perhaps she herself being relatively new hire and not a long time member of the extended family like the Butler isn't really fond of Vampires and has innate anti-vampire sentiments, she could have been the contact between the daughter and the Hunter. And that concludes my deduction. Another thing, they mention in this episode Sherlock Holmes exist in this universe, (And if you check the cast list on MAL or Anilist both Holmes and Watson are mentioned as characters.) So perhaps the villain with the Cane that has "M" on it that turned Tsugaru into a Half Oni is Sherlock Holmes arch nemesis Moriarty, and its guaranteed that is how Ringo and Holmes will meet, both chasing a common enemy.


Also Frankenstein exists (existed?) in-universe too based on the news article headlines