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I’ve already seen multiple posts about the drop in quality shown in this episode. But to be honest, nothing really distracted me except the boar charging scene. Still think it’s going to be a great season


personaly i hate so much silph that i would have not watch it if ariel one of best princess character was not in the episode too


As LN reader, this ep is an 10/10. adapted it and made it better.


To be fair, the animation doesn't look as bad as people are making it out to be. It certainly isn't top tier at the moment, but considering this is still Ep 0, I'll cut them some slack. Plus, the look and feel of the animation is pretty consistent with the previous season anyway, so it looks fine to me.


not everyone have same opinion but for me it realy hard to watch any epiosde with her and it comme gradualy but the breaking point will probaly be in s3 for anime only


They did this episode 0 for sylphie/fitz, because the first season skipped a lot of stuff from the LN.


And that's what matters, the look and feel is the same as S1. This thing had 2 action moments that were done great imo. The only moments that were a little weirder were in the ballroom with computer generated background characters and very still background characters which is NORMAL for most every damn anime. People really will trip over anything.

Taylor Moon

Yeah thats dumb, aside from a .5 second scene with the boar the quality was great

Rudeus Greyrat

fuck i havent bought ur patreon since s1 ended but ill come back


Peak be peakin'


Sylphie got Marie Antoinette'd by the fall 😂 Also yeah other people based on RNG were yeeted to RNG altitudes, so some would have spawned lower & higher than her (so some would have died from asphyxiation due to spawning too high up in the lower atmosphere for example), some would have spawned at varying RNG depths underwater (Lilia & Aisha got relatively lucky as they got yeeted to a lake relatively near the surface level to begin with), while others would have been spawned inside the ground, effectively deatomizing due to telefragging into literal bedrock, and some would prolly have spawned inside random fissures, but w/o any connection to the aboveground areas etc. Of course some would have been incinerated if you got BTFO by getting dropped into a volcano or inside the core of the world w/ molten metal consistency "Only a little bit of poison" I mean Detox magic DOES EXIST (it's a side branch of Healing Magic overall, but instead of Regen, it focuses on removing abnormalities from within the body), and since they are THE Royal Palace (Asura Kingdom is literally the most prosperous kingdom in the world, because of how safe & fertile the land itself is as it's practically in the middle of the Central Continent, so it's not too far to the north nor too far to the south, and on one side it's facing the ocean, which in the Six-Sided World is practically impossible to travel cuz of it being the territory of Seafolk, so basically it's not feasible for any of the races to invade other continents via sea cuz they will cap you in the dome by sinking your ships so you all die by the fleets, that's simply how superior their homefield advantage is inside water terrain), so they likely have dozens of Healing-specced mages on standby, especially given how common poisonings etc are courtesy of standard Court Intrigue etc, just like IRL


not everyone don't take your opinion for every one opinion anyway it my opinion and the opinion of quite some people but i don't have a probleme if you disagreed


Isn't great? I love it when he pauses. It's like the whole reason why we PAY for this in the first place!

Richie Roberts

Luke and Arielle are talking about nipples and titties.

Richie Roberts

I know this is annoying to hear over and over, but to get an understanding of the passage of time in this series you need to read the Light Novels. Cause the anime isn't really gonna do it. They skipped a whole year in the demon continent and made it feel like a week. Hell they were in Rikarisu city for a month and some change and it felt like just a weekend in the anime.


When you brought up other people caught in the incident splatting, that would of happened to Rudy/Eris if Ruijerd didn't catch them. He said "they fell from the sky", though I wouldn't have remembered if I didn't recently watch your season 1 reaction lol.


alright episode 0, not the biggest fan of Mushoku, but i hope this season will be decent.

Richie Roberts

I read them digitally on my kindle cause it's cheaper. And I can read on my phone tablet or computer.


To be honest I would say this Ep is not as great as I expected, it's still good. I hope they did more on Derek's death to Ariel's change in mind from slacking life to trying to get on the throne. The title "Silent Fitz" is actually appearing after the failed assassination. The "Silent" implys both "He" is not speaking to others and can use magic without incantations. If you recall, no incantations is a big deal in this world and that's how she is accepted to take the role of guards for Ariel. It's basically a short extra chapter in vol.4 of the LN, so if you're interested you can read that without getting spoilers of what is happening in this season.

Taylor Moon

I thought it was really nice setup for something anime watchers had missed out on and something you wouldn't get in the manga.. glad they made it episode 0 as not to take away from the full season but to explain how those characters wound up in the situation they are in.


I've read them digitally too, absolutely don't regret the time i've spent on that. Speaking of which, i belive the next one comes out on the 6th.

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-05 19:00:21 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.
2023-07-03 08:12:10 Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.

Keep in mind, she is the princess of the kingdom it happened in so her hearing about a chunk of here kingdom disappearing a few days after happened seems reasonable to me. Also you remember where Rudy crossed the mountains, their country is surrounded by that mountain range where the red dragons reside.

Touch Me

Aggh why can't we just have a freakin episode 1 , I swear to god these studios focusing on shit like episode 0 preview , ova with a character nobody cares about , a movie that doesn't further the plot they be doing everything but normal ass episodes continuing the story.

Taylor Moon

This is absolutely important to the story and was well done, plus Sylphie is a super popular character