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Millepensee is the sign of doom for anime adaptations...



Peak fiction

Taylor Moon

I don’t know if you heard but remember last episode where there was that two minute segment of them just showing scenery while they were talking? Well they went back and added scenes, I heard about that so I skimmed through the last episode and they really added in some scenes with the girls and Yuuya… you literally cannot make this shit up!!!! XD

Taylor Moon

I give it a 4/10, below average only thing that kept it from a 3 was nice art and booba

Brandon Bailey

Season 2 from different studio maybe? I thought it started off really good and it's like they lost a bunch of staff or had budget problems half way through. It started to go down hill fast.

Tomika Axerail

I was starting to like the anime then it just got worse and worse by the episode. Maybe it could save the anime with a season 2 from a different studio and add on and build to the plot. Also maybe if they actually build growth and character to the MC and not of every trash Isakai MC mixed together. That's a maybe.


On the off chance that it does get a season 2, I think a different studio doing it would be good, but I also wonder how much the actual art design of the anime would be affected by that.


I remember this studio from spider isekai aha, starts off decent i think then got worst weeklyyyyyyy


Slit her throat. The fuck you doing trying to save her ass