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This is truly peak. I need more ASAP!



yo im so ready for s2 lets gooo Akane curve stomp Kana into the ground! too bad we gotta wait prob like 4 years for s2 now, why hasnt humanity perfected cryosleep yet!


This series is a 10 for me as well. As soon as I saw the 1st episode I binged the manga at it slaps. Easily the best series of spring anime season in my opinion.

Coping McCoperson

2.5 d is the bringing to life of 2d anime characters, get acquainted with the term because 2.5d seduction is peak ecchi rom com getting adaptation


Although no definite date has been slated, if we're to follow Doga Kobo's typical release schedule (and assuming they don't take on other major projects), expect the next season to be either in Spring or Summer 2024. Having too big a gap for such a popular series would be a bad idea, on their part, so having about a 1 year break, at most, makes the most sense. Also, since season 1 managed to adapt until chapter 40 of the manga, and the most recent chapter released is 122, they should already have more than enough source material for a full season 2.


2.5D in this case is the way the performance will be played out. Normally when you think of a theater performance, the stage is right in front of you and the characters move from left to right or vice versa from the audience perspective. so a 2D viewpoint. in 2.5D however, the stage is around the ENTIRE audience. a full 360 around them and the audience THEMSELVES will be rotating along with the performance. The building will have rotating seats that follow along with the actors as they run around the stage giving it a 3D feel, while the actors are viewed from a 2D viewpoint from the audience seats


the anime only briefly explained what they meant by 2.5D, and i've already seen a couple of people confused by the idea already so it's not anyone's fault if they missed it. Even I got a bit confused when reading the manga as they explained it there.


Aka akasaka" What if we had a love triangle but we put that love triangle inside another love triangle and put that love triangle on a stage?"

Richie Roberts

I just checked where chapter 80 of the the manga is in the story, and I hope that's where season 2 ends. Because man, that would be so good! And if we end season 3 with 120 or 122 (today's chapter) holy shit!

Richie Roberts

If you desperately need more the only thing I can tell you is to read the manga, but if you'd rather wait for the anime I can understand, but the manga is so good. The manga is a monthly subscription service so it's better than other digital manga services. Manga+ is worth it imo. And Oshi No Ko is worth the price alone, but there are other good titles to check out too. Including the full Shonen Jump library because they are both part of the same package, so if you pay for one you get the other. But yes, all the stuff that is to come is amazing. And this is one of those ones you could definitely talk about on a stream like how you handled Solo Leveling.

Richie Roberts

2.5-Dimensional (2.5D) Is a stage adaptation from two-dimensional media such as anime, manga, and video games. This new genre of Japanese pop culture has gained remarkable popularity in Japan since the debut of Musical The Prince of Tennis in 2003.


Great finale. I am sure season 2 won't be that far behind. Maybe like spring/summer 2024?

Richie Roberts

Last thing. I hope they put the extra chapter stuff in somewhere in season 2 like in a post credits moment. Because in the manga later on they have some extra chapter stuff that is cute or is a tie in to Kaguya-sama that I think should be used in season 2 or 3. Just nice little treats for the audience.


AKANE SUPREMACY KANA SUPREMACY this shit just hits different. this next season setup is sooo good.


Oshi no ko definetly had the best OP and ED this season (for me), the show itself was really entertaining, probably my number 1, definitely number 2 this season, excited for S2!


Next season is going to be absolutely hype. I can't wait!

Chris Cheung

Since season 2 is already confirmed that its in production already, we should get it latest fall 2024


They could probably do an OVA, similar to what they did with Fairy Tail and Groove Adventure Rave back in the day.


Absolute fantastic series! i loved this so much 9/10!