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I like the clock stuff but she crazy lol



She do be crazy but she also best girl

dani oz

Yea, big axes and scythes are pretty cool. But somehow in anime, its always little girls wielding them lmao


Can't you read fam? She literally said Deus Ex Machina the sentence before DEM...


is there a name for it (in english) when they keep you in the dark until a certain plot point like this and suddenly all the weird stuff before starts making sense - one way it is a nice feeling to suddenly see it all come together - on the other hand I can understand why it would kill the motivation for a lot of viewers...


the universe needs balance - if a big guy would holed a big sword - the big part would get redundand and it would just be a guy with sowrd again ;)


shes literally best girl yandere me all day


Thanks for the reaction. Well the thing about Kurumi is, the more time she has the stronger she gets. She later confirmed that if she had more time back then she could beat Kotori.