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Very interesting. I feel like Beatrice is up to something...


D.N. Attenoch

I’m glad you’ve grown intrigued with the show! I know you were kinda on the fence with the first few episodes. The mystery of “Beatrice” unfolded so wonderfully in the webcomic; I hope they do a good job translating all of it from comic to anime. Unfortunately, I’m 100% positive that you won’t get answers to that mystery in this first season. Those answers are more “late game” in the comic, so it’ll probably take at least until S2, possibly even a S3 to answer them, depending on the length of these seasons and whether they decide to rush anything. However, I’m sure you’ll pick up on the hints sprinkled throughout everything. You have a crazy sense of intuition when it comes to guessing plot points at semi-random with the barest of information. 🤣 Really looking forward to what amusing guesses you come up with.

Cédric Michaud

I also think that Beatrice is doing some shenanigans in the background. We basically saw her shadow (unless there is some other character with the same haircut) and Vivian shadow and Vivian was giving her the emerald. But it could be that she just gave Vivian an emerald without having ill intentions and Vivian wants to use it in a bad way. I'm not entirely sure she is evil yet, but I am suspicious of her nonetheless. Anyway I really like Raeliana and Noah romance, and look forward to more scene of them. Noah said to Raeliana on ep 8, when they were on a boat on the lake that he never fell in love before, because his duty as a duke won't allow it, but now that he grows more and more fond of Raeliana, he is stuck in a big dilemna, does he allow himself to fall in love with her and possibly leave himself more vulnerable to plots or does he close off his heart in order to protect his position as a Duke.