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Hyouka Ep. 1-2 Reaction [FULL]

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Notice when Oreki was Carsick while Satoshi and Mayaka were ragging on him Chitanda was trying to comfort him. Also not sure how much of the convo you caught at the beginning since we were tracking that lady bug, but that saying "Upon closer examination it was withering flowers" is a common saying in asian countries about things that seem supernatural or spectacular turning out to have a mundane or naturalistic explanation. In classic Mystery Novels one of the rules is to not have supernatural elements so readers can use common sense to deduce what happens. However in this conversation believing or entertaining urban tales and ghost stories is basically another "Rose Colored" analogy that Oreki rejects, Satoshi embraces (And doesn't care whether its true or not, which is important) Mayaka just likes to romance of it, and Chitanda unlike the other two doesn't reject the Supernatural outright like Oreki nor mindlessly embrace it, but wants to know whether its "true" a lesson she learned from the Jun Arc.


What Mayaka said was probably Oreki's deduction ability, which he demonstrates when he guessed the dessert based off the smell. Also notice Oreki despite his seeming non curious nature when he smells the cheese immediately can't help but try to deduce what it is, he might be lazy now, but he has a restless spirit and he needs to sharpen his mind, why do you think he is always reading?


Notice on the way to the second trip of the Hotsprings when Oreki is cooking, Chitanda recognizes the look on his face when he's thinking his big brain thoughts and it makes her happy!


So the text conversation at the beginning there were four people, one who was typing to everyone, one that she has texting to on the phone, and two different people in the char room, the second one "L" was Chitanda and Irisu was asking her to come see the movie and invite the classic lit club, the first one in the chat room was a Senpai she was asking for help but due to the time and distance couldn't help but was going to recommend someone that might that could "dance for her." I'll explain more about the texts conversations when the time comes and spoilers are revealed in the show.


The conversation with Hotaro and Satoshi in the beginning was to establish that Satoshi is envious of people with Talent while Oreki doesn't seem to realize he might be talented. Also Irisu is another one of the four rising power families alongside Chitanda, and Smoking Senpai.


Kyoani has an old tradition of many of their shows having a "bad indie film" in many of their shows, with one in Haruhi Suzumiya being a noteable example.


I would say Ep.7 is definitely one of my favourite Ep. in Hyouka series. The sibling things, how Chitanda imagines having siblings, how Oreki really feels about having siblings, how Chitanda feels when she finally realized that maybe silbling is not as good as she imagined... etc. All come back together to the topic stated at the beginning: "Upon seeing its true nature, the ghost proved to be a beckoning flower." It's the ghost, it's the yukata, it's the sibling relationship, it's the high school rosey life, it just sum up everything.