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So we are continuing the the Magical Index universe. Now you all get to choose what we watch next...

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I would go with Railgun before Accelerator since some knowledge of Index and Railgun is needed for Accelerator


Fair. I personally don't rly give a fuck which of the 3 wins anyway

Jacob R

Excited for Railgun if it wins. I really like the Index side, but I remember Railgun feeling just higher quality all around.


its need to be railgun 1-2season and then index s2/acceleraitor)


I started with Railgun (didn't know about index first). I do love the railgun story more than the index :D

Chris Cheung

Chronological way to watching this series is actually: index S1, railgun S1, index S2, railgun S2, index movie, accelerator, index S3, and lastly railgun S3


not true chronologicaly ( i simplified i litle ) railgun s1 is beford index s1 ans railgun s2 hapen in same time that index s2 and index 3 in same time that railgun 3 What you give is not the chronlogical order but the order by production releasse personaly i think it better to watch railgun and index in the order you like the most but if i have to give my order i would do rail 1 rail 2 index 1 index 2 and index 3 and finaly railgun 3 and skip acelerator becaus i don't like him but that just my taste


the order is not that important both index 1 and railgun 1are good en,try point