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Everything seems really tough to accomplish...


Aaron Bredon

I had trouble watching this show. It is the converse of the typical "OP protagonist". The main characters are underpowered at first, as you can see. And it is not an upbeat show. But the story is very good.


The backgrounds are so beautiful. I love Grimgar so much because no one is op - far from it really - and it is a kill or be killed world, the Goblins are dangerous, have a self preservation and fights are hard.

Saint Vakos

O this one , nice.


You can definitely tell that this show came out during a time period where isekai wasn't just seasonal trash being pumped out continuously. As you mentioned, this series really shows you a more realistic scenario of what an isekai would look like without all the OP BS. The struggles of just living each day, fighting even the trashiest monsters, at least from our perspective, while also showing that these monsters are also struggling to survive themselves. You also mentioned that they could have tried to find more monsters after killing their first goblin instead of wasting their time, but what the show was actually conveying was that they were all still trying to process what had happened. From a video game perspective, it's easy to kill off these monsters, but when they're actually put in that position... having to struggle and seeing the goblin struggle back as it attempted to survive, that realization hit them like a truck. It's the emotional beats of this series that I fondly remember the most... though, admittedly, I've forgotten most of the plot already.


this is one of the good isekaish anime from ep 3 onwards shit be real real. this show does do a good job showing what itd be like realisticly in a fantasy world. real stamina real skills etc i prefer this over the generic op mc plots


I like how the first thought for Joe when you think of easy to beat monster is slime. In realistic settings, slimes would be like a hard-to-kill slow-moving porcupine. Immune to physical attack. Capable of digesting organic materials.

D.N. Attenoch

I had no idea you were planning to watch this!!! Became a patreon just to see your reaction. I feel like Grimgar has always been very under appreciated, and it’s difficult to find reactions to it. I really hope it gets a S2 but like you said, at this point it’s unlikely to happen I think.