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This actually broke me. Lots of tears...


Richie Roberts

It's okay guys. This episode broke everyone. Trolls, bigots, and haters down voted this episode into oblivion. So going by metrics on the internet that makes it one of the best shows on television. Now this is a departure from how things played out in the game. I won't talk about how because experiencing it for yourself is part of the fun, but Lincoln did not go this way in the game. A lot got cut out, but I honestly like this change a lot more this was a really good story that needed to be told. And some may disagree with me and that's fine, but honestly, the Bill in the game didn't leave that much of an impression on me other than his interactions with Ellie. Once I left Lincoln there was so much other stuff that happened that he was quickly forgotten, but THIS version of Bill will be burned into my mind forever.

Roronoa Zoro

Like i said last episode. How the fungus spread was explained by joel this episode. Lol

Richie Roberts

The mycologist, Ibu Ratna, stated that the flour and grain factory where it started was the perfect substrate. Stating that it was, in fact, where the infection began and spread from. That was in the beginning of episode 2. And what everyone was talking about, since Indonesia is the worlds largest supplier or flour and grain. Like I said last episode. Joel just doubled down on what I and everyone else had already talked about. So Joel just confirmed what we already knew.

Richie Roberts

Annie Wersching played Tess in the game. I say played not voiced because she did full mocap not just voiced the character. She was Tess. It was announced that she died of cancer shortly after ep 3 was released. It was so sad to find out about especially after this episode. She did so many amazing things on screen, but she left behind a family and they were the most important thing to her. She will forever be loved and missed by all of us.

Roronoa Zoro

If that was actually said. I didn’t hear it at all any of the times i watched the episode. I also never knew so many goods were transported through indonesia until this show. Not everyone does

Richie Roberts

Once again, important distinction between infected and zombies. The dead can't be infected, but zombies can come back from the dead. There are no grave yards rising up in this series. The dead aren't coming back to life. That's why the infected aren't everywhere. Which is a complaint so many Walking Dead fans or basic zombie watchers are throwing out at this show. This is not a zombie outbreak. It's fungal. Not the same.

Richie Roberts

They could do solar back then. The tech for civilian solar wasn't around smart phones were still years away. Micro processors weren't around yet. So the tech you guys are talking about is a decade away and the world had ended. Time just stopped on technology and then reversed. At lest in the game everything went down in 2013 so solar and hydro was possible in some places.

Richie Roberts

After she leaves the autopsy room and speaks with the general is when it takes place. When she is holding her tea. They are talking about where it happened and the general states it was at a flour and grain factory and she replies that it is the perfect substrate. So if Joel didn't hand you info in this episode and you had to look it up on your own. Is that spoiler? If the show gives you enough information in an episode to encourage you to look it up but doesn't specifically reveal everything at a later time, is that then considered spoiler if someone tells/clarifies for you later? Just asking what does or doesn't constitute spoiler. Not trying to be an ass. I just did a quick google search on Jakarta during episode 1 because I didn't know what it was either and I learned it was the capital of Indonesia and a I learned a lot about Indonesia as well. Also, thanks to The Last of Us I learned a lot of creepy shit about fungus and fungal terms like 'substrate.' I'm by no means and expert. I'm just someone who played the game and did some basic YouTube watching on cordyceps. 2 minutes in and I noped out.

Richie Roberts

Don't worry, that's just part of growing strawberries. It's not fungus and definitely not the fungal infection. They are too careful not to have noticed that.


8:45 the stair are right next to her óO why the trouble or was this part blocked/destroyed completely


Joel’s explanation was last episode’s beginning. Love the reaction!


them getting married were significant, because the world ended in 2004? before gay marriage were legalized. Bill probably hated the world because he was a gay man in a rural community, which is more than likely against homosexuality.