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creepy guys and RIP


Roronoa Zoro

For future episodes check out the directors comments after the preview of the next episode. They mention the various changes and the thoughts that went behind it. The basic philosophy is “if the change is better than the game we’ll go with the change. If it’s pretty much the same as the game they’ll stick to the source”

Roronoa Zoro

Also fun fact. The people doing the clicking voices for those special infected are the same people that did the voice in the game

Richie Roberts

Bruh, it isn't somebody hopped on a plane. It's that the fungus got on the grain. Indonesia supplies the world's grain and flour. That's how it spread. In ep 1 Joel and Sarah didn't have biscuits, pancakes, cake, and she didn't eat the cookies because it was raisin not chocolate chip. That was how the infection started. Some background about this infection; They aren't called zombies in this series. They are called infected. The dead are not reanimated. The fungus needs a live host. When the host dies, the fungus can't keep going. The body you saw on the wall in ep 1 or the ones on the stairs in the museum are the result of dead infected. In the game they would release spores, but in the show they decided not to use spores because they would have to wear masks all the time because they realized there would be spores everywhere if they made it airborne.

Richie Roberts

The controversy in the 2nd game wasn't about Ellie liking girls. We've known that since the first game and it was done really well. It was something else. I don't want to get into it because of spoilers. Even just general discussion would be spoilers for part 1 of the game/ season 1 of the show. But Ellies sexuality wasn't the issue.

Richie Roberts

Clickers. They can't see. They use sound to locate you. The clicks they make are how they see. Like echo location. That's 10 years of infection. The stages are Runners are your basic infected, 5 years in are stalkers (the thing that kissed Tess), 10 years in are clickers, and 15 years in are well, you'll find out... I'll tell you the name after those appear. It's more fun to experience for yourself. As of the posting of this episode 5 has come out so i can't wait for your reactions to 3, 4, and 5. Enjoy your vacay.

Roronoa Zoro

Aye man. Spoilers much. At least he finished the next episode where THEY EXPLAIN IT


poor soldier guy at the start just doing his job in a messed up situation óO "Ophiocordyceps unilateralis" a fungus in the rainforest that affects ants and makes them die in a place that is good for the fungus to grow and infect new ants

Richie Roberts

They explained it at the beginning of THIS episode. The grain and flour plant is where it started and the whole internet was talking about it that whole week before episode 3 even came out. That's why I felt it was safe to discuss it on this episode rather than on episode 3's comments. Because it seemed like something that was heavily implied by the 2nd episode. I will try to be more careful in the future, but I'm more focused on not spilling major gaming events. Sorry if this seems rude, but how the fungus spread is minor compared to some really heavy stuff that is coming that we need to keep a tight lid on. So I've been focusing extra hard on that.

Richie Roberts

Also Joe, yes. Welcome to the show where the cause of the spread of the infection is actually small potatoes in comparison to what is going to play out in the narrative. Grab a box of tissues and tell Diana to do the same. Ninja are coming to your house and they are on a mission to cut some onions.