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some surprising stuff and some very predictable.



Watch "Overlord IV Ep. 12 Reaction [FULL]" on Streamable.


Bryce Jackson

Such respect for Brain by cocytus, A warriors resolve chose not to trample the ground he stood upon and died to defend. He also chose not to freeze the land he defended. But preserved his body


Are you interest adding mobseka novel or manga in reading list? it far lot better in an anime


LN: After their battle, Cocytus noted that Brain's attack rivaled a level 40. For a human it's a HUGE progress. Maruyama(author) claimed Brain had surpassed Gazef. So Cocytus froze his body, maybe we can see him again in the future, maybe they will resurrect him?

vardic d

Yeah very few people picked up on it, YaboyRockLee was the only other reactor I watch that pegged it as Pandora's actor before the reveal at the end. He got suspicious with the dialog between fake Ainz and Albedo, when fake Ainz went to his knees was when he made the Pandora's actor connection. He didn't notice the lack of red glowy ball though.

Sven Hegenbart

Brain Moment in the Ln was super hype. It’s described that he even surpass his rival in that moment but it was still not enough xD

Kot Bajun

I saw a beauty in the episode. For sure. Loved it. P.s. Ascendance of a Bookworm novel possibility hype!


If I would have just remembered Pandoras Actor existed I might have caught on too, but… I didn’t lol


Shit, idk. It would be added to the queue after everything else, I don’t see why not though. I enjoyed the anime for the most part


Brain may have even saved those people in the building he passed assuming it wasn’t way back there 🤷‍♂️

wesley o southall

So much respect from Cocytus. Walked around him to not tread on Brains pride and resolve.


Hey, the singing didn't sound like nails on a chalk board... so there's that. :P Thanks for the reaction Joe!

Dude Random

Fun fact: It was the same street Gazef found him when he was defeated by Shalltear