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a terrorist attack 😨



Watch "Irregular at Magic High School Ep. 5-6 Reaction [FULL]" on Streamable.



Honestly not sure what the reference is toward, after so much time. I just say whatever comes to my mind unless I know it’s too fucked up then I try to hold my tongue unless it just eats away at me and I have to blurt it out.


Well, the blade to the eye could be an assassination classroom reference. There was that one scene... lol.


5 episodes in and theres a terrorist attack. love the breakdown. thanks

Rick James

They let Mibu get away with it because of the circumstances. She was just someone used by the terrorist and had her "misunderstandings" that will be explained more next episode that will further tilt things in her favor. Yes, she is still guilty, but keep in mind that she is also still a minor and generally schools tend to be more lenient on you when your intent isn't evil and you've been generally a good student. Nobody wants the incident to ruin the rest of her life. There are other reasons as well that has less to do with Mibu herself that will be mentioned the following eps. FYI, there's a short after credit scene that was missed here, but it's not a big deal


I have yet to get far enough into this series to know the realtion between Tatsuya and Miyuki. That being said, I have a theory. What if Tatsuya is the actual son of the Yotsuba clan while Miyuki was adopted after they discovered Tatsuya was a "failure". He did just say that he couldn't use magic but was forcibly turned into a magician. I hope I'm right. I really want this whole sibling love thing to become significantly less weird asap.

wesley o southall

That comment at the beginning by Tatsuya was kinda important. "I was forced to become a magician even though I can't use magic". What???

wesley o southall

It's already forbidden by the school to call course 2 students "weeds" and discriminate in such a way as to differentiate between the two in those ways. Tatsuya said he can't blame the school because they can't totally control individuals that hate others and even hate themselves. People are not machines.

wesley o southall

You're blade thoughts had me dying lol!

wesley o southall

If you miss little things or forget names or dialog I wouldn't worry about it too much. They talk a lot and lots of stuff is always going on so it's easy to lose track of things in this show. They try to pack a lot of stuff in to the show from the LN so it gets wordy.


It’s weird, like he uses magic and even seems to hold back as many have noticed or implied. As we continue I’m sure I’ll understand that aspect more.


Bro, genuinely I don’t know why I think of this shit. Just pay attention to my face whenever a blade is shown in any series I guarantee you’ll see a slight grimace because it’s all I think of

Jacob R

Yo Tatsuya about to pop off.


High School IS the prime time IN JAPAN, because that's the last time the ppl are free, since when they are adults they have to start working 12-14 or w/e work days, go drinking (mandatory) w/ boss & co-workers each work day's end or get socially ostracized, or maybe even skipped over for promotions. So most adults view the High School period as the last time they were free, not tired of being alive Also, the being naked part is generally symbolic for Spiritual-type shit (hence why Astral travel or w/e mindscape shit have you is generally shown w/ naked characters, because it's the SPIRIT being observed, not them physically per se)


To be honest I would really like this to get more then one reaction per week.


Big boob counselor would be a disciple of the shinobi same as Tatsuya if there were any confusion. As for the prime time comment if you know about the work culture of Japan it would probably be easier to understand the freedom of being a student before adulthood. Also, your fear of blades I understand although mine is heights and bodies of water (cannot for the life of me swim).


Yeaaahhhh... I don't know what to tell you. I have a full time job and I'm doing a whole bunch of other series. Once a week is the best I can do. When I was doing Iruma twice a week I felt like I was gonna burn out.


you might have jumped the gun a little with that first sentence @plspls. They pointed out that she knew that Tatsuya studied under Master Kokonoe and that she should have known she couldn't hide from him. It seems to be pretty common knowledge who Master Kokonoe is and that Tatsuya trains under him... primarily because Miyuki talks too much. I haven't seen anything yet that strongly points out that Ms. Ono is also one of his disciples.


Well, no one knows who the Shiba's are, and the fact that she knew he trained under Kokonoe anyone would insinuate that she worked or trained under him especially using the title Master (or maybe just formalities) for me anyways. Or maybe since I have prior knowledge since this is a rewatch I may have just spoiled unintentionally lol.

Sven Hegenbart

School council president and Tatsuya is my favorite ship. Don’t want to explain the Chiba family as I’m not sure if they will do soon