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Im doing it again (after I said I wouldn't). I need to push back DanMachi to tomorrow. Tomorrow I will post Genius Prince, BOFURI, DanMachi and Goblin Slayer.

Let me explain myself: I work a fulltime job Mon-Fri. M/W/F I work from 9:30-6:30. T/Th I work from 7:00-4:00.

I cannot record videos after 10 PM. I live with my grandmother who has Alzheimer's and Dementia (not looking for sympathy or any emotional reaction just explaining the situation) and my Mother who is essentially a full-time caregiver for my grandmother. With that said, my grandmother has a strict routine which keeps her mentally focused. She wakes up at a certain time, meds at certain times, drinks and eats at certain times, and sleeps at a certain time. Throwing off the routine causes many issues which causes more work for my mother.

"But Joe what does that have to do with delayed videos?" Well, my office is down the hall from her room, so because of that, I cannot record past 10 PM. If I do, she wakes up and I throw off the routine. I'm an expressive person and I refuse to hold myself back in my content. Imagine how weird my reactions would be if I'm trying to be quiet (which I would end up failing at because again, I'm expressive). Its part of the reason I don't stream either, I only have time at night and it comes back to that same issue. A huge part of why I'm trying to move is because I have these limitations. Part of the reason it's taken so long to decide to move is because I have been torn by the decision to gain that freedom at the cost of leaving my mom alone to take of my grandmother.

Back to my schedule: I used to be cheeky and record a video during my first hour at work on M/W/F(don't tell my boss), but now I can't because of new tasks at work. This means that I only have an hour before work (8-9), an hour on my lunch break (1:30-2:30) and 3 hours after work on M/W/F. I also need time to eat at some point on top of edit videos, make thumbnails, etc. On T/Th I can only make videos on my lunch break (1:30-2:30) and after work (which is like 5-6 hours). Keep in mind that I also have Diana, my girlfriend that I can't completely ignore because without her none of this is possible. On Sat/Sun I should start having a little more time with Vox Machina wrapped up and  only 2 videos each day with an editor working on one each day. Also, the past 2 weekends have been hectic.

I'm only human. Keep supporting me if you enjoy the content and I'll keep it coming (hopefully on time, but sometimes delayed). I appreciate every last one of you and you can always DM me here if you want to chat about something ❤🤗



Do what you got to do.

Cody Maverick

I appreciate the transparency. I'm not one to care about schedules, so I'll continue to watch and support as things come out


Yea your all good I've been listening to some Overlord audio books by some guys on YouTube they produce some great voice acting but I might get one chapter each month and im happy with that mind you those chapters are long but just let us know if you need a break from your non youtube videos (since those are needed to get out as soon as you can or you get less views) then so be it don't beat your self up about we are the people who support you specifically and want the best for you and your content so if that's you late on the episode then So be it. As long as your still healthy and having fun that's all that matters

Hentai Man

Thanks for being open about this man, thats more than i could ever expect from anyone. Do what you can manage, and dont burn yourself out or work yourself to death. Ill keep being a patreon(when i can afford to) as long as you keep reacting to stuff i watch as well. Tbh, i was subscribed to 10+ people last month, but i could only afford 2 subscriptions this month, and i chose you and yaboyrocklee(subscribing to yaboyrocklee later that month when i got some more money). So, that says that i LOVE your content, even over the other reactors i watch. Do you man! I love the stuff youre doing :)


I appreciate it. I just wanted to hopefully help some people understand what I got going on and why I post later than scheduled sometimes.


I’m not really trying to take breaks. Always pushing. My biggest issue is just trying to maintain the schedule. Fucking work kills me sometimes. I can only do 2 things a day, most days it’s work and content, when I need to have a life it kills one of those other two so I try to keep my life to the weekend but sometimes I can’t 🤷‍♂️


Rock Lee is a good dude. Very entertaining. I appreciate the support whenever and however you can. Burn out ain’t gonna happen though, at worst, there may be delays. Eventually I may take a week off but I’ll try to plan videos during that time. 😁

Hentai Man

Yeah! I love ecchi/romance/harem shows, and i like watching people react to them the most. Watching someone watch highschool dxd was a treat bc no one reacts to super ecchi show, it seems like. And you seems to watch all the great shows that i like watching, with a few exceptions, so expect my support :) &im glad!


its all good my guy stuff happens ur doing ur best to keep up with demand at least ur not the gaming industry and delay over months lol


As long as reasons are given I don't complain about delays (looking at you, trains....). But yeah, don't worry, it's all right.


yeah, dood. do what you gotta. not that i'm Freshest tier and see the post you're talking about... but yeah, take care of yourself.