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High School DxD BORN [S3] Ep. 9 Reaction [FULL]

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Kazuki Ohira

13:08 For context, on top of issei already beating the sh*t out of that guy, each boost directly doubles his attack power exponentially. 1 Boost is 2x power, 2 Boost is 4x power, 3 Boost is 8x power, 4 Boost is 16x power, etc. That Longinus Smasher is DEVASTATING Also, I'm pretty sure DxD stands for Dragon and Devil, or Devil and Dragon.


nah DxD means Dragon of Dragons. That's what Great Red is called. It's in the episode title for reference.


Well Rias wanted to say that Issei is the best... not "the best servant"... but again, she can't be open with her feeling because he has to uphold apperance and statues. So she added the "the best servant" Like she said, if Issei would die she would want to die aswell. We also heard and saw Ophis a few episodes ago, so this is not the first time that we saw her, hear her or heard her name. Also call back to the first fight of Issei and Vali, when you said that Issei won because Vali left. If you remember, Vali wanted to use the Juggernaut Drive back then, but then SonGoku interrupted him. So yeah... besides Issei running out of time to keep up the Balance Breaker... Issei would've been completely screwed against the Juggernaut Drive.