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Hey there, everyone!

I hope you're all doing great! I'm enjoying the sunny days and I've been very productive lately, managing to write roughly 37k words in the month of May! Writing is now, once again, part of my regular daily routine.

With that said, I would like to talk about how I do my writing.

My process right now is as follows:
Step 1: Write a whole lot
Step 2: Read what I've written later and make edits and tweaks
Step 3: Once I have a couple of chapters, I give them to my betas to read over
Step 4: When it's all beta'd, I start releasing the chapters to Patreon, one every day

Now, ideally, I would write and edit chapter everyday, which would result in a chapter everyday here on Patreon, but unfortunately, that's not always possible, so there's often gaps of days where I don't upload anything.

Another way of doing this, I could release a chapter every other day, just like on ScribbleHub, which would just keep going without breaks (unless I encounter a major writer's block).

What are you guys' opinion on this? Do you prefer how I do it now or shoould I switch to less frequent but more regular updates? Let me know!

That aside, as expected, my main project will continue to be Fate Weaver's Legacy while I chip away at the Actress E-book in the background. No changes there.

Anyway, that's more or less all I wanted to say. Have a great day everyone!



I prefer to read chapters as they go public, so the release cadence on Patreon doesn't really concern me. You should write however you see fit, so long as you maintain the quality of your writing. I'm really enjoying Fate Weaver's Legacy so far, on that note.


I like reading as it is done, it also can give you more immediate feedback