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Hey everyone!

It's been... an entire month, huh? Sorry about that! I've gotten very burnt out on writing and needed a bit to regain that spark again. And after that, I had a hard time deciding what story I should work on, what with 5+ plot bunnies running around my head constantly.

But I've finally settled into one. A story I've been planning and outlining for years (on and off) and probably the most difficult story to write for me so far.

It's an Isekai LitRPG with a twist. (Although that twist isn't even needed, LitRPG is already hard enough to write well without flooding the readers with poitnless numbers and status screens.)

But anyway, I've written a couple of chapters of this story already and I'll start releasing them starting tomorrow.

For now, here's a synopsis:


It happens often in stories. Random guy gets hit by a truck and then wakes up in a fantasy world. Same old same old…

But in my case, there was no truck involved. I just went to sleep and the next thing I knew, I was inside the body of my old Vtuber avatar, wandering around a barren world with nothing but foliage and crumbled ruins of a dead civilization around me.

Completely alone and with nobody to talk to.

Well… Almost nobody.

Chat! Help! I’ve been isekai’d!

Let me tell you, another world or not, different body or not, having almost every moment of your life streamed to the internet back on Earth gets pretty stressful at times.


Other than that? I've been slowly (very slowly) working on the E-book version of Actress, which should happen... at some point. I've been writing extra chapters and editing everything just to tie up loose plot threads and flesh out some characters that probably should have been flesh out and whatnot. And it's a lot more work than I thought it would be.

Also, getting stuff done in peace has gotten a bit hard lately, what with the damn construction crew right outside my window (sometimes drilling right into the wall I'm sitting next to ugh), but hey, I'll keep going regardless.

Anywho! I hope you're all having a great day! And thank you to everyone who stuck around despite my little break!


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