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The shopping center can be a hectic place. Especially if you’re less than an inch tall. Unfortunately for these tiny shoppers they didn’t start out that way. Too bad Scarlett is too wrapped up in her errands to notice them.

We will definitely be doing more of these, in different locations, with different shoes so stay tuned in the future!


Tiny Shoppers

Watch "Tiny Shoppers" on Streamable.


Edward Love

1:47 is a source of heaven for me. More of THAT! Please

Lexy Lexy

The shopping part just gets it’s own kudos for being unique and different and honest some incredibly well for “winging it”. The shoe shopping part was stunning though. I really wish there had been a barefoot heel crush instead, BUT imagination and realism can go different paths, so I am not disappointed. Excellent work on this. I hope more is to come.

World Unseen Films

Definitely doing more, i was trying to get her to do some dipping in and out of her shoes. She could get it off her heel but couldn’t get her toes out. So maybe different shoes next time.