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Tonight, Little shoppers drops. I’m adding in my own sound because the bag that the camera was in muffled the sound so bad that it sounded terrible.

Also i was supposed to shoot with a new model yesterday, we had to reschedule due to a family emergency. So that has been rescheduled for next week.

Lastly, Lyra will be coming back! She said she wants to start shooting again now that things have slowed down in her life a bit. She will be back in June.


Lexy Lexy

Video idea: HISTK inspired. But it’s a month later after they shrank. Starts with lyric or whomever the model is on the phone talking to their friend about how they’ve given up looking as it’s been so long and they’re probably dead by now anyway. Unaware they’ve made it into the house finally. She unknowingly takes them out one by one. Finally noticed the last one but thinks they’re a bug and purposefully crushes them. Unaware they were that close to being saved after so long. Maybe a vore scene if you really want. But just a cool concept to me.