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Hermione makes a trade. 

Look, JK Rowling is a problem and its hard to know where to start, but the world she created is interesting: a magical world where neoliberalism works. I have an idea I want to explore and it works with her world, and I've been going back-and-forth about what to do with this one, so here it is: I'm going to get some artwork done and release this one, in its entirety, as a freebie. Eventually, when it's all done, I'll collect it and throw it on gumroad and, once I've broken even on the art, proceeds from that will be donated to the Trevor Project. Trans lives matter, Jewish people deserve better, slavery is bad, people are people. We good? 

All art for this story is by the incomparable @BalthaZarDragon, who I continue to be a massive fan of because incredible art is incredible. He does commissions and is just generally an awesome human, so go say hi and maybe get some artwork done by him. 

Beyond that, good reading, have a good weekend, stay safe, and we'll be back next week with the final part of Samus for Sale and the next part of Saving Sabrina. 

This chapter is 3, 391 words long.



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