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You will have one shot at this. Better make it count. And even if you win - well, break her quickly or completely, or she will take everything. 

Melissa Bergman is from Metroid: Other M, a game so bad and full of missed opportunities that it is partially responsible for me writing smut in the first place. The rest of the Metroid Franchise is really good (Federation Force is okay but multiplayer, which counts for a lot), with the stand-outs being actively great. You really can't go wrong. 

This version of Melissa Bergman is designed to be used with Chains of the Irkalla, a bondage-based supplement for Fifth Edition that's all about capturing, taming, and training heroines so you can go capture more superheroines. Imagine it as Pokemon for sadists or masochists, with options to play as captor or captive, alone or in a group. You can download a copy for free at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera… or at www.patreon.com/posts/chains-o….

You can find other targets in the Patreon Masterlist.

Official artwork from Nintendo and Team Ninja used, with some art from Samus For Sale thrown in for good measure.


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