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Sabrina settles into her new married life with her loving husband. 

I don't do this very often, but this story is going to go to some pretty dark places. I know my typical yarns deal with non-con, bondage, slavery, all that fun stuff, but I feel the need for trigger warnings: I'm drawing from history and the modern world for this one and it's going to get dark. Trigger warnings for racism and misogyny, and a gentle reminder that this author is opposed to both. People are people, and all people deserve dignity. With that said... 

I'm also on discord at discord.gg/m2wGHv3e if you'd like to chat and ko-fi if you'd like to tip your writer: ko-fi.com/hunteropera

Beyond that, good reading, have a good weekend, stay safe, and we'll be back next week with the next part of Samus for Sale and a little something special. 

This chapter is 2, 089 words long.


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