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(This was supposed to be a link post, but for some reason Patreon isn't registering when I paste the link in the field. So I'm having to do this as a text post, with the link down below, in the body of the text. This is also the fourth time I've had to do this from scratch, thanks to various Patreon glitches, so bear with me.)

     Hey everyone. Believe it or not, I haven't drawn (or painted or sculpted or written) in days. Instead, I've been cleaning images and learning how to do a bunch of other digital crap, so that I could then figure out how to set up the following...merch store!


     It's very much a work in progress (no banner, etc.), and I plan on doing some all new images specifically for merch soon, but it's a start. So check it out, and have fun!


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