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     If these two don't look exactly like my comic art style (especially the faces), that's no accident. I'm always torn when I do a commission of someone else's characters, particularly if they're closely associated with a single artist's style. I feel like I'm stealing if I render the character in that artist's style, but if I do it in my own style, it never looks right to me. (At some point I'll post a pinup commission I did of the Hellboy cast, and you'll see what I mean.) This piece is an example of a compromise approach I sometimes take. To me, The Dirty Pair are only the Dirty Pair when drawn by Adam Warren, so I decided to mix Warren's style with my own. I think the resulting hybridized look works pretty well, but I suppose it's up to readers to decide if it works as a Richard Moore pinup. Funnily enough, as I'm writing this, I'm reminded of a time at a con when a fan showed me a commission of Meg from Far West he'd gotten Adam Warren to do. I wish I had a scan of it, but suffice to say, it was off-model by about four cup sizes. I don't even remember if the nose was right; I couldn't take my eyes off those giant, un-Meg-like jugs on her wiry frame. But let's face it, Warren has a lot less time to sweat each and every commission than I do!



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