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This drawing started with an outfit! 

I saw a trend on twitter where people where drawing their OC´s with this specific outfit: 

I wanted to join but non of my own characters really fit it so I borrowed my sweethearts, Jessies, donkey boy. later he made a story to go with it and I´m gonna share that with you! So get comfy and dive into a short background story to this spicy pinup drawing: 

"Ciel loved his parents, he really did. But they just didn't get him!

Or his style. His carefully crafted, stylishly trashy mix of short, tight and slutty.

At first they thought putting their foot down would keep their 'precious boy' from dressing like a 'two-buck street whore'.

But his Da' quickly found out that the donkey boy was as stubborn as a mule.

An so they switched tactics, trying to slowly goat him out of this 'phase' of his.

Mom's newest attempt from three weeks ago resulted in her trying to set him up with the daughter of someone in her, get this: book club!

Turns out 'Deborah'(he didn't actually bother learning her name, but it must have been either that or 'Karen') took offense to her daughter going out with a...

Well, lets just say her expletives were as limited as her worldview and leave it at that.

And while that was thankfully rather short-lived, the next trap set by his father was more insidious and cruel.

A one year gym-membership pass WITH personal trainer!

Urgh, thanks dad. Getting physically tortured by some smooth brained muscle head, while surrounded by Kale-chewing paleo-prudes and supplement slurping dude-bro's sounded like a truly mentally stimulating time.

Now he would be forced into working out two times a week under professional scrutiny, instead of resting his lazy ass at the gym-bar, while undressing the occasional hunky stud with his eyes.

There was a reason he had spend most of his highschool PE-classes on the sidelines watching, after all.

Not like he could say no at this point. The money was spent and he had gotten a little chubbier over the winter.

While he liked most of his chub right where it was, his thighs and butt could be a bit more toned.

For the umpf-teenth time in the last hour he let out a big sigh, shouldered his complimentary gym bag up a little higher and finally pathed his way from the bus stop, across the parking lot and through the automatic glass double-door.

Time to meet the newest bane of his lazy days: 'Dane'


The soft spoken, nerdy hunk of a canine that ended up being attached to that name took him by surprise and left him gasping for breath after nearly every meeting.

And not just because he got even the worst of his internet addicted references.

Maybe he should cut back a little on the teasing, but this sweet, innocent muscleman was just too easy (and juicy) and receptive of a target.

Dane really was not as sneaky as he might think he is.

Or maybe it was these new stretchy Yoga-pants were just too comfy to trade them back in for his old work-out trunks.

While the donkey boy had achieved his first few training goals within a few weeks, despite his thighs cramping and twitching and his muscle aches remind him of utterly different workouts.

And clearly not just him, as the most recent set of exercising and stretching had send a hastily apologizing hound running off towards the bathrooms, returning with a far more serene mind and a new, slightly sweet tang to his sweat.

A lovely moral boost and silent praise to Ciels efforts, that soon became a quite -regular- occurrence.

Though nothing might have come out of it, if a new advantage of these torturous nightly workout sessions made itself known only a few weeks later.

With the only official set of keys to the gym handed to Dane during their last late session, the receptionist heading home a little earlier, while their training went on a bit longer than usual, it was time to strike.

Needless to say, locker room shenanigans ensued." 

I think he did a pretty good job! Don't hesitate to let Jessie know if you liked it, because I would love for him to write more! 



Sara Testarossa

Awesome art (you made a cute outfit work its way into "sexy" really well!), and awesome story! I like Jessie's writing style 😁