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Hey all!

July is approaching and like last year I´m gonna take the month off to regenerate some of my creative juices. I haven´t had a proper break for months so this is very needed!

I will pause the billing on my Patreon page for that month so you don't pay while I´m away. The last MGDM page before said break will be this Friday 30/6-23 (or 6/30-23 if you are American) and I´ll stop the billing on 1/7. If you are billed on that date anyway, don´t panic! It won't bill you next month then. MGDM will resume on August 4th! The comic itself should be done in the early 2024, and then I figure out what happens from there. Hopefully more comics.

My parents invited me on a short trip to Greece and I'll probably use that chance to make some more diary comics there. I´ll share them after the break if people are interested! 

I wish you all a great summer, whether you are going foreign places or staying home. See you on Friday!


Sara Testarossa

Best wishes with recharging and travel! I'd be glad to see any diary comics you make. Those are fun!


Thanks! I love to read other people diary comics myself, but I´m worried I´ll come across as self absorbed or something if I share my own. X)