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Ufology, Skinwalker ranch, Brandon Fugal, Mormonism, Travis Taylor, New Thought, Rhonda Byrne, "The Secret," Arthur Young, Hal Puthoff, Peter Levenda, spirit & matter in Mormonism vs New Thought, First Great Awakening, Martin Luther, Lutherism, Pietism, Moravian Church, Christian mysticism, Rosicrucianism, Swedenborg, theurgy, angel magick, Second Great Awakening, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, the role of war in the Great Awakenings, Third Great Awakening, William Walker Atkinson, Wallace Wattles, Mormon influence on New Thought, 40th parallel, BYU University, Carthage (Illinois), Princeton, 9/11 and World Trade Center, Aleister Crowley's ashes




I wonder how far the earth traveled through space and time in 3 years . . .


Thanks for covering this. I know that the same production company (Prometheus) does The Curse of Oak Island as well