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For this outing, we're taking the deepest dive of them all into the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinto Abe. In recent weeks, the legacy media has broached a topic that has only been whispered about for years: the Unification Church. But Recluse, first through VISUP, and later via The Farm, has been exploring this subject for over a decade. In the process, I was greatly aided by legendary Unification defector Ed Coffman, alias Don Diligent (RIP). Using Ed/Don's "inside baseball" combined with the Japan-based Fergal insight's we offer up an account of the Unification Church and Abe's death like no other. Programmed assassins? Behavioral modification? It was always baked in this cult and now parts of this story will finally come out.

Here is some additional information/background:

Fore more background on the Unification Church and the World Anti-Communist League, check here: https://visupview.blogspot.com/2021/03/secret-societies-narcoterrorism.html

For Sean Moon's denouncement of his mother and the mainline Unification Church, check here: https://twitter.com/FallingOutPod/status/1542218093514063873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

The rest is here: https://twitter.com/FallingOutPod/status/1542218181317894145

Sean Moon's "blessing" can be seen here: https://twitter.com/doraemon0349/status/1546817982034153472

Finally, here is a transcript of the press conference given by the doctors who tried to save Abe that Fergal has translated:


Professor of Emergency Medicine

Nara Prefectural University Hospital

2022/7/8 6 PM


Translated by Fergal SCHMUDLACH of the Kingless Generation podcast

Fukushima: When he arrived he had two bullet wounds, and considering that he was not breathing and had no pulse due to damage to the heart and the aorta, in our unit we performed hemostasis and a large amount of blood transfusions, but unfortuntely the result was—not fortunate.

Yomiuri Newspaper: You say he had two wounds on his neck. Could you tell us where and how big, specifically?

Fukushima: (pointing to the base of his neck) The two wounds were located in the center and slightly to the right. They were extremely small in size.

Kansai TV: Could you tell us how deep they were?

Fukushima: I think it’s safe to say that they went deep enough to reach the heart.…

NHK: What did you feel, to see those bullet holes, fired from such close range: did you feel a strong intent to kill, or…?

Fukushima: All I saw was the wounds I saw, so I don’t know anything about that.

ABC TV: What sort of operations, specifically, were being carried out during the four and a half hours from the time he was brought in until his death was confirmed?

Fukushima: Hemostasis of the chest area, and a large amount of blood transfusions: these two things.…

Asahi Newspaper: Were the bullets still in the body?

Fukushima: When we were operating on him, we were unable to find bullets. After that, we did—um, after this we may go on to learn more, but in the course of our operations we didn’t find anything.

NHK: Of the two wounds, which one was the fatal one?

Fukushima: That I do not know. All I know is that there were two wounds which seemed to be bullet holes.

NHK: So all we know is that he died from these wounds.

Fukushima: Those wounds, as I just said, did reach to his heart and his aorta in his chest area, and so he was bleeding due to his heart and his aorta being wounded: this is essentially what happened.

Nikkei Newspaper: Two wounds—to his neck? Not his chest? His neck?

Fukushima: To his neck.

Nikkei: But they hit his heart so—Fukushima: (tracing a line from above his right clavicle diagonally down and to the left to his heart) I believe that was the direction in which they travelled.…

NHK: So as for the main cause which led to his death, would it be death by loss of blood?

Fukushima: Exsanguination, I believe that is correct.

NHK: You say the bullets reached his heart, but as you were—operating, did you notice organ damage, like, was the organ damage severe?

Fukushima: There was a wound to the heart itself, a large one.

NHK: And what shape was that wound, specifically?

Fukushima: Maybe—the bullet wound in his heart was, it was a big hole: a big hole in the wall of his heart.

NHK: How would that hole compare to—other things?

Fukushima: I wasn’t comparing this to anything else, really—I’m given to understand that the internal wounds get bigger than the entrance wound.

Chūnichi Newspaper: So you say the bullets reached his heart, into his heart, and the bullet holes were in his neck, two of them. You say you didn’t find any bullets, but were there any wounds on the other side, in his back, from the bullets piercing through his body?

Fukushima: There was just one other wound, on his left shoulder, so I believe that would be what is called an exit wound.

NHK: And that’s one, on his left shoulder?

Fukushima: That is correct.

NHK: You’re saying that one of the two may have pierced through, out that hole.

Fukushima: Yes.

NHK: You’re saying that there is no wound from which the other one might have come out?Fukushima: No such wound. Not that we found.NHK: And neither of the bullets have been found?Fukushima: No.…

ABC TV: Were the wounds close together? How were they positioned, specifically?

Fukushima: I believe they were about 5 cm apart.…

Chūnichi: It’s said that he was attacked from behind, but are you saying that the wounds were on the front of his body?

Fukushima: Yes. On the front of his neck. He had no wounds on the reverse, including his back.

Chūnichi: So both shots entered from the front, and are you saying one came out the left side?

Fukushima: I said he was hit in the front, but the angle at which he was hit is a separate—it could have been from the side. (points to the center of his neck) But the wounds were in the front.

Chūnichi: And the apparent exit wound, was that on the back side of his left shoulder?

Fukushima: It was on the front [ventral] part of his left shoulder.

Chūnichi: But then it must have traveled sideways across the body—

Fukushima: I don’t know that; all I can say is that there were wounds that might make you think that.

Chūnichi: But anyway it was on the front, the wound?

Fukushima: Yes.

Asahi Weekly: So you say that the wound goes in from the front and comes out the front on the left, and there was a large hole in his heart, so did it hit his heart and come out the left?

Fukushima: The one that came out the left could have been from the second shot, or the first, or maybe a—different bullet. I really don’t know.

Asahi Weekly: Eigher way, there was a large hole in his heart. What part of the heart was it?

Fukushima: In a ventricle. The wall of the heart.…

NHK: Do you know if the bullets passed through the right or left ventricle, or which arteries it went through?

Fukushima: Bullets can move around here and there as they travel through the body, so I’m not sure at this point in time exactly how they moved.

NHK: So at this point in time it looks as though the bullet entered through one of the two holes in the neck, ultimately striking the heart, and then they each went out through the shoulder hole: is that a good characterization?

Fukushima: At this point that is my opinion, but a specialist might come to a different conclusion.…

Kyōdō Broadcasting: I apologize, but I just want to check: so there were two wounds on the front of Prime Minister Abe’s neck, and no wounds on the back of his neck, and on his shoulder there was what appeared to be an exit wound. Is that a good characterization?

Fukushima: That is my understanding at this point in time.…

Chūnichi Newspaper: I’m sorry to repeat this, but: by “his neck”, do you mean the bullets entered from above the clavicle?

Fukushima: They entered at a height above the clavicle, yes.

Chūnichi Newspaper: Was there any damage or anything to the clavicle itself?

Fukushima: Not to the clavicle, I don’t think, no.



Keith Allen Dennis


Jade Schulz

I keep thinking about the laying on of hands by the schismatic son on the smoke bomber. The sermon included a condemnation of his mother and her maybe death. Either way one can guess he sees his inheritance. Then the shooter reportedly has a grievance about mother, money (inheritance) & church? Who’s mother are we talking about here?