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Picking up where the first installment left off, I further explore the families connected to America's first chivalric order. They include several of the most storied families in the history of this nation, as well ones connected to Mormonism and even Jack Parsons. And then there's the mind-blowing synchronicity another Cincinnati family has to the JFK assassination.

Elsewhere, I look at the glorious Shays Rebellion false flag, how it set the stage of the Constitutional Convention and rehabilitated the Cincinnati's image in one fell swoop. You'll also learn how the Cincinnati established the cult of George Washington and founded the "China trade." To wrap up, we look at the French branch of the Cincinnati, and their role in the revolution. As an added bonus, you get a sneak peek into a legendary secret society the Cincinnati appear to have been at war with during the late nineteenth century.




Would it be possible to make these available to download? I work in a freezer and would like to listen to it while I work but can't get signal while I'm working